I'd like to see other players loadout before starting a mission

somthing like 2 symbols for weaponclass they use, because you can guess their playstyle by their weapons mostly and some playstyles i just dont fit in or want to play with. Too many failures on Heresy and Damnation because of playstyle.


Seconded :+1: Just so you can compliment each other, for example two psykers can make sure they each take a different staff, two zealots can see not to both take flamer, etc.


That would be great… but considering how difficult it is to get just the game finished… I would not mind if they never do it.
I would, like several (and note that I did not like and played VT2), see a stat board implemented in the game. Something with our stats on the mission and maybe the progression and what we did good in the game session.
Yea… that’s a dream considering they can’t even finish the game.

Hey bro, nice staff, bro. :wink:
Thanks, bro, you too, bro. :wink:


Gear and builds.

Dunno how you can guess the playstyle based on weapons, unless it´s a Vet with a lasgun or so.

Anyway… there is definately no need for to see the loadout of others. We already had this in Vermintide and it lasted in permaleavers or kicks, just because someone played XY, which has been not meta.
Might be somewhat different if 4 Psyker with the same staff join or so, but a lot of times you jump into the mission directly anyway, otherwise you can talk to each other and atleast see their melee-weapon.

It´s also up to you to stand your ground. If you e.g. play Vet and just stay back and watch while a Zealot or Ogryn plays more aggressively, then it´s also up to you if they die and you all fail the run.
It´s a teamgame and the frontline should assist the backline and the other way round. The weapons don´t change much but “more waveclear, more single-target damage, killing a boss easier…”. Also it´s still skill > gear anyway.

i can guess more playstyles for example knife Zealot rush more often.
shield ogryn often passive just blocking passages/ chokes when not neccessary and would better help clearing a horde.
Shotgun Veteran wont bother about snipers or any other long range enemies, but concentrate more on closed range combat.
lately i see Axe wielding and Autogun Psykers, even in Damnation.
And i can tell you that all these missions failed.
I dont say they shouldnt try it, but i would refuse to play with them most of the time trying their new for fun build or whatever they are trying to do.

i rely on a competent team when i play Damnation and also mostly on Heresy and the team can rely on me in regards of my class and weapons choice. Others can refuse to play with me and my loadout the same way i’d maybe refuse to play with them.

Of course they can, but it´s some kind of behavior and being biased. Also it´ll last in way more waiting times for all players.

There are a lot of good players out there as much as there are a lot of worse players out there, no matter the loadout. For example i play off-meta all day long and do fine on heresy / damnation, meanwhile others struggle even with meta-builds.
It´s fully up to the players how confident they´re and if some feel more comfortable with a shield on Ogryn or an axe on Psyker, why not?

I can understand your wish, but it´s just not good for the game and will split the playerbase to some point, which will last in overall less games and more frustrations for all of us.

Is it better to get frustrated more often with players in your team that you know - biased or not - they dont fit your playstyle and are a bad matching for the team and this team composition is much likely to fail the mission?
I see your point , but the “splitting” then is good in case you play to win a mission and want have fun the way you play with your chosen loadout.
And another day i maybe play a different loadout and the Knife Zealot or the Shotgun Veteran will fit into my team. So these splits you are talking about happen for a mission only or mission to mission and not like i will never play with you because you play this or that way.
I just want to find team compositions i know that will work most likely and not risk too much.
I play pugs mostly, no premades and i can tell you if they dont do anything about the Matchmaking and i fail three missions in a row on Heresy already and on Damnation anyway because of the teams composition and the playstyles that are vaguely or tending to be known by players loadouts i just quit the game for today and dont play for 2 more hours.
Defeats arent compensated by their skinner box retention mechanics.

It would be better to implement a group finder where you cantell people what aou are looking for, but this needs a lot of coding and much more efforts to implement.
Some small symbols that represent your loadout during the missions preperation phase are easy to implement i’d guess.

Just did a Damnation Mission with 2 Psykers asking each other what staff they use in prep phase.
I said i have flamer too (zealot) and they used Surge and Purgatus.
Very well rounded.
4th was a Veteran using Lasgun.
No problems the whole mission.

Well i would suggest to find premades then. It just won´t work most of the time and even if you´re able to skip some loadouts and find the best “odds” to win a match for yourself, it´ll just not work since it´s fully up to the players and sometimes even up to spawns which stuff will work better or not and how poeple make use of it.

A static team would do a lot to your issue. It´s definately better than having poeple jump in / out all day long or even flame others immediately for their loadout- and build- choices.

Tbh, i don´t know you or your skilllevel, but this actually doesn´t sound like you´re that type of player who´s able to carry and that´s why you boil it down to classes , builds, loadouts, whatever…
It´s of course just an assumption, but based on my own experience here or even in V2, the issue lies often there.

Bad luck can happen. Bad spawns can happen. But losing 3 heresy runs in a row just to make it up by other players builds sounds too curios. That ppl struggle to carry damnation while being alone or with just 2 ppl left, ok… but heresy is pretty much doable with any loadout as long as you know how to dodge some disablers.
No offense, it just sounds like missing game-knowledge and skill across the group then. And of course there are some broken weapons increasing the odds to win drastically.

So far i would also suggest to try to improve by yourself on top of the premade-team. There is no chance to deal with randoms, because they´ll always be random and you don´t know what or who you get. But premades and self-improvement will do it all for you.

i carried as hard as i could and it ended allways in the last stage and final battle, when people fall down due to bursters, get trapped or cannot deal with hounds etc.
I mean sorry if i cant do the final stage alone and carry the whole team.

And 2 of these i even survived 2 more minutes and rescued one or two to have them down again 2 seconds later.
Thats not the norm it was an extreme yesterday and yes i’m not a super skilled carry you everytime and everywhere player.

the problem with premade is that i often play at odd times and i may write here in english, but i would not be able to understand people in english discords. I am part of bigger DC in my motherlanguage, but like i said, i often play on odd times and main times on the discord there are like 2 or 3 groups already filled and very less play T4 or T5 even. And that said i’m a little bit picky about my fellow players and dont want to play with young people talking trash or with people raging etc., but that is the case all too often. therefore i mostly play pugs.
And yes it’s a pugs problem for sure.
And it would help me selecting with who i wan tto play. I mean call me biased all day long, if i see a knife zealot in prison garb, i mostly quit the mission in prep phase.
Yes i know there are wonderfull people using that, skilled, nice persons irl, but my experience is my experience and i’m old and yes biased and less flexible when it comes to social interations.
Call it a me problem, i dont mind!
I have explained myself enough and i seem to be not the only one who woul like it.

As said above, no offense or something and i get your point. I just try to weight the pros and cons and we just need to look back to Vermintide, where it got patched to be “hidden”, because it lasted in permaleavers and flame.

Of course you can´t carry everything aswell, it just read so and sometimes it´s indeed just bad luck to spawns, the team, wrong decision-making or whatever. I mean, if i lose a run or something i´m always be like “I should´ve…”.

But anyway… maybe they bring it or not. Maybe you can even try to find games with the guys above? “Premades” doesn´t mean to speak english or something. It´s more about to “getting used to each other”, like finding 3 poeple playing the other 3 classes and all tweak their build against special conditions. I know a bunch of ppl in different games prefering chat only and only talk / write to each other when it´s needed, but like to play with some good gamers, no matter the main-language.

EDIT: And yeah, some end-events are tough since they do even scale in timing etc. with the difficulties. But i truely think it´s not a matter of loadout if you made it until this point. It´s often bad luck, missing teamplay, timing and focus to get the objective fast done instead of falling into endless waves or dying to a poxburster. (Unless maybe it´s a boss-map and you´ve only waveclear weapons, so the boss is going to kill you slowly…)

ok i didnt know that and yes i see it can cause problem this way.

fully agree, i mean i have people in my friendslist and could use ingame voip.

thats exactly it, people got swarmed and didnt move on to do the objective. didnt stick together although i said, lets stick 2gether and everbody agreed and 5seconds later group was spliited. Its maybe also a problem of me, when i think people can follow me, but like you said not knowing how the other plays and sometimes bad luck and everyone has a plan in his head, but the plans dont match, I did 2 of the corrupted eyes alone n the smelter complex, then tried to rescue people who were hounded or were hanging somewhere after a burster exploded.
I mean i failed doing so myself and i understand it, but i tried the mission 3 times and all 3 failed and i git frustrated. Luckily i then had a run on Damnation low intensity that was a cakewalk XD

Yeah that´s a the one which came to my mind in the first case. Those are definately the hardest events without teamwork, or atleast one other player focusing on the objectives completely.
Dunno if it was really needed to make them so fast instead of just increasing the amount like 5 instead of 3 or 5 times in different spots, whatever.
They´re easy doable with premades being like “now”, but with randoms it´s often pain.

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