I want to see sillier cosmetics in the shop

The cosmetics i see in the shop are lame as lame can be. I want my Ogryn dressed like a farmer with overalls and a funny hat. I’m sick of seeing these weak cosmetic sets with minimal coloring and flavor.


I do remember those leopard print pants Ogryn used to have in the shop, I didn’t buy them, but I appreciated some drip like that for sure.

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OMG the Redneck skin from Hunt Showdown would be hilarious :joy:

The Zorts not scratching that itch for you? :laughing:


An Agri-world set could work. Then they could also do a Forgeworld lot with Mechanicus skins, Hive World with Necromunda inspired outfits (I know we’ve had similar but actual Orlock, Delaque etc), and …

… no, wait, that’s all far too inspired for the game shop.


Bring back Zealot Pig.


Pigmar lives in Darktide, as Zealot you can get him tatooed on your shoulder


Leopard pant oggy enjoyer here, more hive gang looks pls. The franchise in general could do with a bit less ultra seriousness and cherish it’s roots at times. Pink mohawks and silly stuff ftw.

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even paid cosmetics are often just recolors sold at exorbitant prices, so I don’t have high expectations.

the only decent one that was free was the red-colored item that was added a while ago as a penance reward.

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they have yet to make anything suitably clownish to run with these clown shoes. the state of cosmetics outside of themes (that were done ok-well)

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Give us Rock cosmetics, I want googly eyes, I want one signed by Morrow, smooched by Sefoni, more exotic chunks of scenery, helmeted decapitated head, more stuff


I pray they take none of this seriously.


I know, but it aint enough. :disappointed_relieved:

I must say if you get creative enough with some of them, and piece some together to match a tabletop miniature, theres been some fun with some I done lol

Made a “Repentia” ^^

Ministorum Preacher or Redemptionist (if only we had the Vindictor Flamer!) As the cosmetics are based upon this tabletop model

Yes to punk rock hive gangers cosmetics

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nah, this time i’m the party pooper and say “please no”

darktide lives by its atmosphere.
i see stuff like fortnite or overwatch and those rainbow colors make me :nauseated_face:

i cant for the life of me figure out people voluntarily picking such a comic scenario that doesnt even take itself serious :man_shrugging:

sure, to each his own but for me, thinking back into my earliest childhood, if it wasnt “mature” it wasnt appealing.

stuff like doom and quake we worshipped for the gritty gore fest it was, silly “crap” like “no one lives forever” or other stand-up comedy wasnt even played past the first level for being so obnoxiously “haha…now laugh goddamit”

at this point 40k is me go-to atmosphere and darktide giving me that grim/dark that i crave.

leopard pants, thank the emprah, were briefly an eyesore and could be ignored.

but going all in on the off topic design for sake of “amusement” i’d search the globe for a mod that forces standard cosmetics on my side to keep my immersion intact :see_no_evil:

i am amused already, everytime my pickaxe lifts the cap of a heretic skull like a ripe melon i get the biggest ogryn smile you can imagine :stuck_out_tongue:

client side, modded, you do you. enjoy pajamas, sports bra or whatever tzeentch puts on your mind.

but we are a gore family, sir… we laugh at gore…


I went all out on a build for the “Way-Keeper” veteran, its such a fun build, based it upon Infiltration to help aid in striking high priority targets to protect the team with Chain Axe and Bolt Pistol (can alternate w/ Revolver)

Sure its like a temu stealth zealot to some, yet its so exhilarating to me lol

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Yes have to agree. I feel we already have some fairly goofy outfits…pirates for instance. Like, literal pirates.

I want more serious stuff too.

Zorts crossed the line for me lol.


The essential component in making warhammer the entirely unique IP it is is that it takes the most over the top and extreme premises and foundational ideas and plays them completely straight. In other words, it takes itself seriously. The goofy and silly irreverence some approach it with is their perogative. I’m in no position to speak to the validity of their angle of enjoyment.

However, taking this angle and applying it to the source material for our digestion of the IP (which Darktide is part of) would be to knowingly or unknowingly change the IP away from its essence, which would be a mistake.

If someone wants to be goofy in Darktide, they can find a way without disrupting the optics of the whole game.