I want a Class that doesn't revolve around "i'm good at killing in this way"

v2 needs a Mesmer type class like in guild wars. so probably a gray wizard. make the enemy self destruct.

make horde fights itself. make boss fight mirrored images of the party, aoe spells that slows down/blinds, fears enemy etc.

domination magic and illusion. make the enemy take damage whenever they attack. enemy standing still takes dmg.

like i said, like a mesmer from guild wars (never played gw2, only gw1 :P)


grudgeraker RV has insane dps

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Indeed it does. I’m still not sure why RV needed to be buffed. Like Huntsmen - amazing ammo sustain and high cleave range spam. Even the Crossbow is an effective horde killer on RV. RV’s only weakness is bosses and Chaos Warriors imo.

I really like the way he is currently, just wish he had smiter so he had more synergy with 1h axe

I miss my old school builds :^(


It’s quite funny that RV got Bulwark and Mainstay while Bounty Hunter got both Assassin and Smiter. RV kind of feels limited to Dual Hammers currently because of it.

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1h Axe and Greataxe are both still good just not as good as they would be if the stagger system weren’t awfully designed

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I’m not completely against support orientated careers but in a game where majority of game-play is just killing stuff, it’s probably hard to make such a career enjoyable especially when they’re not needed/most players could get by in a comp without one.

It’s not like Overwatch, Paladins etc where each career/character fits into a specific role.
Would probably require an overhaul to most careers just to fit in supportive roles.

Some players class RV as a support but his utility isn’t really needed, 90% of the time I play him is because grudge and crossbow + firing fury. Handgun is quite enjoyable since the recent buff too.


I agree that the game could use more utility type of gameplay. Diversity never hurts. Just don’t forget that characters can be diverse enough even through the prism of “killing stuff”. Shade, Slayer, Waystalker and Grail Knight, for example, are all played differently, even though they just “kill stuff”. Even if your two characters are about killing elites they still do that in a unique manner and deal with different elite types in a different style.

Though, I must admit: I have series issues with some of your arguments. From questionable statements (Slayer “helps to kill stuff”? He’s a pure DPS), to weird ones (Sienna is about burning stuff… Yeah? Your point?) and to implying false stuff like that RV can’t deal much damage?
I’ll be honest: this post could use a bit more polish of thought, because while I agree on the diversity part at some level, overall I just can’t agree or even understand what you’re trying to say.

Hmm ok so I wasn’t going to respond and just let this threads … Undeath play out. Recently it was necro’d for whatever reason.

However, let me clarify a few things. When I made the list of classes and a phrase or sentence about the class’s purpose, that was meant to be specifically about their skill, not the overall role. The slayers special ability doesn’t kill things, it helps you do that. That’s why I phrased it like “Slayer: helps kill things”

I’m not sure where I said RV doesn’t do good damage, but a few people have mentioned that in one place or another. I can’t find me saying that but I also don’t feel like looking through the thread for a third time and I may have missed it.

The purpose of the list itself (which seems to have been woefully missed due to the fact I didn’t properly preface it) is to tally up the special abilities we currently have in the game. In that sense I assigned Sienna’s abilities all as “kill stuff” because generally that’s what the abilities are used for. Battle wizard could potentially be an exception, but I generally find that if the player is using that ability as an escape or revive save, it’s generally still not going to make a huge difference. I’d say it’s quite dependent on the players skill to follow up with the BW’s special by killing stuff as that is what the classes all boil down to really. It’s not quite the same as the mercenary who is able to go back to LMB and push combos which are simpler, for example. The same is true for Unchained I find, though I could see unchained be pretty close to a utility skill since it does at least help teammates in a few ways.

Pyro’s ult and Kaboom on BW are the only “kill stuff” oriented abilities, the rest are utility/crowd control

And Kaboom! is still really useful as a tool to make space, and it still has the teleport part for escapes / mobility. I wouldn’t call it a solely DPS skill either.

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If we wanna get super technicall, then the only ultimates that are used for purely killing are: huntsman; Gk; waystalker; shade; handmaiden; bh; zealot. Then we have careers like slayer/whc/rv etc that can shift their main focus towards more dps or more support.

Then again, we can argue invisibility ults are support, you could even argue elite killing is support, all valid arguments.
You can even classify pyro’s ult as support, or gk’s, as it offers stagger on single targets. (Ofcourse it’s main focus is killing, but this is if we get super technical)

The main point of this thread though is about a career that has purely support, as what was discussed above in depth. Alot of people are getting stuck on the list op made.

As has been said aswell is that purely support can not work currently (or it would have to be very strong), because currently you can do dps while also bringing support with alot of careers. Unchained/rv/whc/merc, …this is where the list does have importance, as currently you do have alot of support incorporated already in alot of careers, but also shows that alot have dps.

(Last part is for everyone reading)

Super technical? Why get so complicated. The question is rather simple:

  • Does stuff die or get hurt simply by pressing “F”?

All the rest is utility. I would argue that there is no “pure” killing stuff active skill as even Pyromancer and Bounty Hunter have boss stagger as utility. …… wait. Waystalker doesn’t stagger I think, so this is the single pure “killing stuff” active skill. Unless we count ammo regeneration as utility (you can still skip on that one though).

Yes thats my point i was making.
i even said it here:

i also did say:

Used for killing. So like the ult on huntsman gets mainly used for killing. But it also has support elements.

Yes waystalker is the only ultimate that only has killing, zero support or other teamuitility, unless you count killing elites support, which it kinda is.

So we need new classes with pure kill ultimate (press F to eliminate something) if I understood correctly, right? :thinking:

I don’t think you did.

We have 15 careers with utility ultimates and 1 (waystalker) with kill ultimate and even that one is not pure kill because killing elites equals support. So we need something 100% useless in support and kill oriented.
My suggestion is: “press F to instantly kill closest ally” with ~10 min cooldown. This ult is totally kill and zero support also it helps punishing teammates that play slowly (aka bad).

Jokes aside I like hard support career with lot of things to do/control simultaneously (aka keep all buffs and debuffs).

I usually enjoy playing support roles and I wouldn’t mind such careers to pick among. The most likely support career we might get would be Sienna with a new wind as most winds of magic lends themselves more towards support than the fire wind does.

Lights ? What lights ?

I disabled literally everything i saw in config files so fps becomes “playable”(it still barely works). I don’t see any lights. So even if game looks good i can’t see it even if i wanted to, lol.