This is more of a rant than anything. I apologize in advance.
I feel like there’s room for improvement for most of the classes. Some of the classes feel redundant/underpowered.
I see a lot of psykers and I think I understand why. They don’t have to worry about ammo for starters. You just keep an eye on your bar and you’re good. They also can dish out a lot of damage. Great for Crowd Control. And with the shield, they can also make amazing support. The only thing they can’t do, is take a punch. They are squishy. But if you are outputting enough damage and focusing, it can be mitigated to an extent. I’ve gotten through some missions with 3 psykers and a veteran and never broke a sweat.
For transparency, I am a psyker main. I love the psyker. But I think psykers are given a bit too much. Each class should feel like it contributes something important to the group and have a more defined role. I understand they want to try and keep it so you don’t HAVE to have a certain setup to succeed. But some classes could use a tweak to make them more desirable. I want to be happy when I see certain classes. Like I already get excited when I see an Ogryn. Great! A tank! But I don’t give a hoot about veterans or zealots. I’ll go down each class and try and explain what I mean.
This should be your gun-heavy class. They should be the most effective when using them. More of their talents should help improve/buff using guns to make them stand out.
One talent that I like in this tree is the survivalist that talent that gives ammo whenever you kill an elite or specialist. However, it’s just 1% of your ammo. You’ll burn that much or more just killing that enemy. More talents that would help generate ammo would be an amazing feature. It would make having a veteran on the team be exciting because it means we’ll have a steady supply of ammo. Making them a more desirable class.
This next part will be decisive, but I would like to see a combat skill that gives veterans like 3-5 seconds of headshot auto-aim. Really helping to take out some of the harder enemies or even hordes. That ability alone would get me more interested in a veteran.
Also decisive, remove the buff they give to ammo they put down because I want it in this next class.
I understand that they wanted the Zealot to be a melee specialist. I don’t think that it gives them a particularly good role in a group. It doesn’t help them to stand out much. And to be honest, it can be a bit boring.
In this update, they added the “Chorus of Spiritual Fortitude”. A really support ability. And I think it would be amazing if they leaned more into that aspect with the Zealot. More abilities like the shield from the psyker and ammo buff from the veteran. Maybe give them a new weapon that is a holy relic that can either provide a small damage buff/toughness heal or a small melee ranged size AOE damage. They can utilize a bar like the psyker. But rather than quick use/quick fill, they have larger bars that can channel for a greater period but fills much more slowly.
They can keep their melee buffs and have more of a concentration on melee over ranged of course. But I want to see a zealot and know our chances of survival have improved because we have dedicated support.
Honestly, I have nothing to add to the Ogryn. It’s a great tank class. Comes with a shield to focus on that aspect and a taunt. The Ogrynis in a good place.
Psykers are pretty good. Too good even. As mentioned above. They should keep their offensive abilities, but lose abilities like the shield. The Zealot should be the one to provide defense/healing/buffs.
The veteran would excel more at single-target damage, and the psyker should be more AOE/Crowd control focused. It’s already mostly good. Maybe trade the shield talent for some sort of short ground effect that slows enemies and does a small amount of damage.
And those are my thoughts. Rant over. Thanks if you took the time to read this. Please don’t be harsh.