I was just going over an old discussion about penances and it reminded me how much I miss that system of challenges that didn’t quite make it over. We had so many that were based off the maps themselves that we have absolutely none of in DT. It kinda stinks. Some of those really stuck with you and it was fun showing a newbie who didn’t have, say the Dark Omens ones done, where all the runes were and helping him pop open the lair or find the necklace.
Or the runes in the BTU maps, or any of the myriad goodies in the Drachenfels maps, etc. There’s just none of that now. Even the Helmgart maps had challenges, typically revolving around the finales.
I know a lot of the old penances are overdue for a debugging and we could sure use some new class/ability/talent-oriented ones at least, so I hope that while you guys are considering those, you might consider some of the old map-specific type ones, too.
While I do love those secrets on vermintide maps, darktide is a different game, where the maps themselves are on rotation and are less important for the overall picture, so I think they went in the right direction with the challenges. But I still hope to see new maps, both on vermintide (where they are a sheer joy) and on darktide (where they increase the map pool).
Event-related challenges are also problematic because fatshark doesn’t seem to care about fixing them when they break (see the time trigger in screaming bell or work environment in drachenfel)
Maybe they can give us a few more if they plan more special missions, like the orthrus offensive.
100% agreed, the game is sorely lacking “completionist” gameplay like that. Even just the very baseline “do every map with every career on legend” when the game was fresh provided a lot of reason to replay.