I miss the in game visible trinkets

Imo, NB on Kruber is meh because he has to stick his neck out the most to get kills. BH is ok with NB but not as good as Sienna, Bardin, or Kerilian. IB, WS, and Sienna it’s just a no-brainer though.


That’s a good point. I wonder if the .3 remains useless until you’ve received 4 healing cycles from NB to get to 1.2 or if the .3 doesn’t stack and the trait is useless for NB. I have no idea how to actually test for that, but it would be interesting to know. If it is useless, then I may as well use the necklace that buffs healing done to get more out of my special and temp from kills.

I just assumed it didn’t apply tbh.

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I think I was suffering a placebo effect with NB with Kruber’s trait. Now that I think about it, you’re probably right and it doesn’t apply

Yeh. It’s kinda ok on huntsman cuz you can horde clear at range, but not as reliably as the other characters. I do avoid it on Krub.


Tested on battle wizard, the 30% more healing worked just fine with NB.


Good to know.

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I also enjoyed the trinkets showing on character models in V1, but given the way they work in V2, I don’t think the same would really work to be honest… I’d much prefer being able to see people’s traits on the tab screen or something.

And while this is getting very off-topic…

I’ve been running NB on Foot knight kruber for somewhere inbetween 50-100 legend games (and probably 200 or so champ games before that).

I would never replace it. Ever.

It lets me play far more aggressively than I could do otherwise since I _know_can afford to take a hit or two if I need to from anything that’s not an elite and knowing that I can just regen it back up. especially since I can just rack up a little buffer of temp hp that softens any further blows if need be. (Blunderbuss into a horde)

I very rarely get heals, meaning my remaining party gets more of them, and my damage taken rarely exceeds 300 unless the entire party is having a real rough run. (often times much lower, around 150-200).

The only time I even consider having someone heal me is when i’m at 25% or lower hp, or if we have spare medkits and everyone else is topped off already. And even then it’s usually someone else in the group that insists on healing me.

I’m almost always the last person to go down in a fight, and most often the one that rushes in to save someone else, because I can afford to do so. And quite often the one that ends up saving a run because I can survive alone when others would not, long enough to go rescue others or simply take out the threat myself.

This is all due to the fact that I know how the right mouse button and good positioning works. :slight_smile:

And I don’t even use halberd… <.< (Mace, go go!)

I also ran it on waystalker for quite a while. Spear/Longbow. More or less the same deal there regardless of difficulty, though of course, taking a hit on a 100hp class does impact you more. waystalker regen + natural bond can really save the day though.

Tl;dr: If you know how to avoid damage, and thus take only small amounts of damage throughout a game, natural bond is a major asset to the team as a whole.

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Exactly. With NB you can go full zerg-mode as long as you’re not totally reckless. You can have, by far, the most damage taken in a round without ever eating a single healing item and never coming close to death. Totally changes the game’s dynamic from being a cautious war of attrition to being non-stop tactical decision-making.


At least up to champ, i think NB is amazing. I love that i slowly heal, because that is one more item for team. I play IB and just auto carry the tome/grim :smiley: plus, were a few months into the game by now. most ppl i play with are starting to realize that if a player is low hp and not picking up the hp item, they prob cant self heal normally :stuck_out_tongue: I do think the healing could be buffed a bit if it really takes that long to full heal (maybe 10-30% more per tick? 5-10 mins to full heal? )

But for OP: I too miss the visible trinkets and would love to see a patch add them. I want my bling back!

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This right here.


Those numbers cited are kind of irrelevant (but good to know!), because NB is not meant to regenerate all of your hp at once. it’s meant to negate the small chunks of damage that slip through your guard. Which it does excellently.

I personally rarely go below 75% hp unless I screw up and eat a stormvermin or CW hit for whatever reason. And even then I just play a bit more defensively for a while or blunderbuss a horde for temp hp and I’m good to go while my hp regens back up again.

it has also let me survive a ton of situations where I’m in endurance matches against things, where I would have been downed if it weren’t for the amount of hp I regened during those situations keeping me standing.

Like I said before. If you know how to avoid damage for the most part, NB is an excellent choice for a trait.
If you don’t? it’s awful.

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