I keep getting crashes. on a fairly new pc

Issue Type (Required):

Crash - During Play

Issue Description (Required):

I recently bought a new pc. 'specs"

Processor AMD ryzen 5 7600x 6 core
Ram 32 gb
Nvidea geforce rtx 4070 super

sometimes. I would be able to complete 3 or 4 matches in a row, then a day later I would have crashes every other ten minutes or so. during gameplay / being idle at the main menu even.
I do have this problem with other games as well. but not nearly as much as with Darktide. I hope the crash report can shed some light on what the problem is. But I strongly suspect a faulty pc.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Often (<75%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

Player ID (Optional):

[PC] Crash Report (Optional):

GUID: 71b3263d-2b7d-4c0d-aad1-9197f988cd1a
Log File:
Info Type:

[Engine Error]: Invalid temporary variable marker 0x2b4cab5 (0000024DA1140000, 0000024DA15CEB2C, 0000024DA15D1E10, 0000024DA15CEFBC)

At D:\a\d\rel_engine_darktide\release\rel_2024_08_20_Patch1.5.0x\runtime\application\script\lua_environment.cpp:1328 in function stingray::LuaEnvironment::clear_temp_variables

it’s very likely that the error is due to corrupt memory due to faulty HW.

have you tried to run some stability tests?

You can upload more crashlogs and I can take another look at the other crashes you get. To see if we can see a pattern or not.

GUID: 71b3263d-2b7d-4c0d-aad1-9197f988cd1a

You are not the only one crashing on the above code line, but not unlikely that this is a common place were memory corruption might occur.