Issue Type (Required):
Crash - During Play
Issue Description (Required):
Been getting this engine error crash frequently recently. It usually tends to happen in the middle of a mission but it has occurred in the mourningstar as well. I’ve tried disabling my mods, portrait rendering, and lowering my worker thread count but the issue persists. Hope this can be fixed soon especially with some of my playstation friends getting the game soon. Making an edit since I forgot to add but I am using an AMD 6700 XT and I saw that a lot of other AMD users are having the same issue as well.
[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):
Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them
Reproduction Rate (Required):
Often (<75%)
Platform (Required):
Steam (PC)
Player ID (Optional):
[PC] Crash Report (Optional):
GUID: ec787c87-8a41-4644-8680-12f995316fb0
Log File:
Info Type:
[Engine Error]: HRESULT: 0x887a0005 = DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED: GetDeviceRemovedReason() = DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG
At D:\a\d\rel_engine_darktide\release\rel_2024_08_20_Patch1.5.0x\runtime\d3d12_render_device\d3d12_debug.cpp:1550
in function stingray::aftermath::d3d_assert