Frequent Crashing

Issue Type (Required):

Crash - During Play

Issue Description (Required):

Since the newest update I’ve been having lots of frequent crashes both in game and in the Mourningstar. I’ve tried culling my mods and updating them too one by one and I have no idea what is causing it. It could be a mod issue but I just don’t know which it could be. Before I would just have “out of memory” errors but now it’s just straight crashes. They happen seemingly at random. Some missions nothing will occur and sometimes I can only play for only a few minutes and then crash immediately.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

Yes, and I’ve tried disabling them

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Common (<50%)

Platform (Required):

Steam (PC)

[PC] Crash Report (Optional):

GUID: 554bd8cd-a1e9-47e1-bea1-655fbbf39d19
Log File:
Info Type:

Do you have ray tracing and RTX on in graphics settings? Try disabling if both if so. Fixed the constant crashes for me despite having an i9 and 4090rtx.

Would you be able to share a crash report with us from where your mods have been disabled? The mod-related spam can make it hard to parse the crash data. Thank you!

I’m having this issue repeatedly as well.

Do you know which mods are causing problems?

I haven’t used any ray tracing at all

I have a friend who uses a lot of similar mods as I do, and has had zero crashes. I removed every mod that he didn’t have on and I’ve still been crashing quite often.