I just bought a game, but after completing the beginner tutorial, it immediately crashes and I can’t enter the game anymore. The launcher can see it, and when I enter, there will be a game icon in the bottom right corner. It will appear for 1 second and then the game crashes.
PC is 4070tisup 5800X
What I have done is that I have closed the antivirus software, updated the GPU driver, and restarted the computer.
Even if the cup is set to 1, it cannot enter, Delete Darktide AppData and verify Integrity of game files,Reinstall the Visual C++ 2019 Redistributables, Uninstalling the game and reinstalling it won’t allow me to enter,
I was played Warhammer: Vermintide 2,1600h, Who knew that the new game was even less stable than Vermintide 2,what can I say。
report say about DLL of sl.interposer,is about gpu again?I have tried fixing the game myself, so I searched a lot,more about gup
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GUID: ed94bf2d-6169-4b95-8182-c57f5021a0d7
Log File:
Info Type:
[Engine Error]: Access violation (0xc0000005) in build 4890e9952056c442fc0ad16c46b71eac8adddbf7
accessing address 0000000000000000 from 00007FF9C809C5EB
The crash occurred in module ‘unknown_module’.
The issue could also be related to the following modules found in the stack trace:
module ‘sl.interposer’.
GUID: 6e3ca1c2-c71e-46f1-8467-d1b159619ca3
Log File:
Info Type:
[Engine Error]: Access violation (0xc0000005) in build 4890e9952056c442fc0ad16c46b71eac8adddbf7
accessing address 0000000000000000 from 00007FFC9D2CC5EB
The crash occurred in module ‘unknown_module’.
The issue could also be related to the following modules found in the stack trace:
module ‘sl.interposer’.
The gameplay time has reached 93 minutes due to continuous startup, and I cannot test it again by myself anymore. If the game developer cannot fix it, I still need a refund. The game cannot be refunded after 120 minutes
This DLL is StreamLine related, have you tried not using any DLSS (or other upscaling) and disabling RayTracing and Frame Gen etc. ? Does it still crash?
No guarantees SL is the source of the issue.
You can also try updating all the StreamLine stuff manually to see if it it helps, grab all the stuff from github here.
Likely unrelated: I noticed you’re also running on an HDD (B: drive!), do you have an SSD you can move the game to? Room on your C: Drive, is that an SSD? Regardless of any stability issues, use an SSD for games when available.
IIRC there were some flags to try related to streaming and/or disabling DirectStorage to try if you have issues in the future. Search these forums and pinned posts or Julia can be of more help.
P.S. there’s changes coming to this stuff next week AFAIK, though I don’t know what the details are. The StreamLine stuff should be updated next week too fwiw, as it’s needed for MFG (SmoothMotion).
thank you, I was also doubted antivirus,so I shutdown the the third-party antivirus program,still not working,and I was played Apex before, I think not about anticheat,so I don’t care about the firewall anymore。 The final issue is Darktide.exe。Other games automatically pass through the firewall, I don’t know why Darktide.exe can’t。The problem solved,thank again。
I first time put it on SSD,for solve the problem, I uninstalled and reinstalled to hhd(Perhaps it’s related to the hard drive, I need to rule out all potential issues)。
and Thank you for your explanation about the DLL
。。Here’s the problem again. I set up a whitelist and turned off all firewalls,this time I entered the training ground and the game crashed 。this game still needs optimization, not good for me,I refunded it. go back play Vermintide 2
Sad cause here I don’t think it is Darktide the problem. But more your computer.
And sad cause Darktide is so good… especially if you already play tide games.
Perso, I use Panda antivirus (before Ukraine war it was using kaspersky that is better but “FSB friendly”). This is surely not the best, but tested the best, it was taking control of my computer and I had the clear feeling that I had to ask the security suite the permission to use my computer… removed that bad thing (Bitdefender). Let’s just say that Panda never had a problem with darktide…
Now my computer has no protection, no WIN10 firewall, no antivirus , whitelist settings, network reset, and computer restart. Apart from Steam, there are no other networking apps starting up. I can enter the game, but when I enter the training ground, it starts crashing again. I’m tired, it’s too many trouble. Blue Bear Anti doesn’t have so much trouble in APEX, why is it blocking me here? I can play APEX, but I can’t play this. It’s too strange
I no time to continue fixing it. I’m almost about to reinstall the win10 system after playing athis game,Give him a year to optimize the game, I’ll buy it again after a year. If it still doesn’t work after a year, then give up。
In the video I uploaded, I know all is Chinese, but you maybe understand the icons. With so many games, even Vermintide2 from the same company is not as bad