I have over 60 curio's but I don't have 3 that I like

the following list is a combined cluster frick of curio crafting:

the cost to upgrade a curio
the locks
the rarity of the emperor giving you a curio
the curio reward perk not working
the rng

1 have one curio with 3 tier 4 perks, its rating is 162, and its missing 1 perk i would want.

out of all this grinding i should have at least 3 like this with the perks i want.

this could be fixed easily.


I have 2 i like and 1 that isn’t bad.

I’ve stopped engaging with the system entirely. I havent looked at my curios in 500 hours.

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I lost 4k plasteel rolling +3 stamina curios, it was about as gratifying as eating rocks, I don’t even know why I try anymore because these developers are allergic to good ideas, I played vermintide 2 and was awe struck that Necklaces/Charms/Trinkets were all equipped on the same characters man why did they have to take that away from us whyyyy


The problem with curios is that there is A LOT of different perks that you can have, which means that you have a very low chance of rolling a specific one. Add to this that rerolling one perk locks the other two… Honestly my advice is not to bother too much with curios. You can target at least one particular perk (stam regen, toughness regen etc) and have it on all 3 of your curios very easily allowing to adapt it to your playstyle, then the other two locked perks will be whatever. Having +4% toughness here and +5% healthpoint there isn’t gonna change your world anyway. You better keep your plasteel to roll weapons instead. Once in a while a good curio will pop up at melk shop :+1:

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Still using the same ones since release. I never bothered changing them, because it’s too tedious to juggle all desirable stats.

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Added this thread to ye old wall.

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