I do not want to backfill, stop forcing me to backfill

Stop forcing people to backfill every single freaking available in progress Maelstrom mission open slot before you let us start from the beginning

You evidently do not play your game on Auric Maelstrom otherwise you would have known for an entire year that queueing there means loading into lost games and defeat screens for 10 minutes before you’re allowed to start from a lobby

And that’s only if you make sure to block one person every time you leave or the game will stupidly load you right back into the mission you just left to add insult to injury

It got even worse with the introduction of altf4 scumming titles

Why is this still a thing

Just give people a confirmation window, do you want to load in progress, yes/no

It’s not rocket science

Fix your freaking Maelstrom matchmaking it’s beyond ridiculous


So are you loading in to defeat screens or loading back into the same game twice? The latter seems more like a personal gripe, but for me I rarely load into defeat screens. Sometimes I get put into games in progress but most of the time it gives me an empty lobby to fill.

not the choice of words i would have used but i rather wait 5-10 minutes for a fresh start than being tossed into something that 90%aint worth playing, but 100% aint worth watching.

i “read” team compositions the first minute or two and adapt accordingly.

spawning into a mess, everyone strewn about running and flailing wildly isnt fixeable in a couple seconds.

so usually i fight my way free only to see my character low on ammo/health and forced to deal with something the prior dude fkked up.

not very motivating either way.

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Maybe stop and think, what other team game with matchmaking does this feature

exists in?
And why doesn’t it in most others.

If you got what you wanted, we would immediately get
„Players can massively grief maelstrom runs by quitting out, since they are no longer being replaced with an other player.“
„Game is dead. Nobody plays maelstrom anymore.“


People could do this anyway by hitting alt f4 as soon as they see the valkyrie loading screen.

It’s more hassle, but it can still be done.

The game needs backfill players, I agree.

Having a penance run destroyed by their own mechanic is a principal driving factor I suspect in why some people object. Voiding said games from “sequence runs” could alleviate some negativity?


This is already happening.

I agree on this.
But I propose something different.

  • quickplay => you could enter in a mission already running
  • map selected => you always start a new mission

EDIT: add to this something that you cannot join an ended mission. If it happens, then the game immediately redirect you to an other mission


In Vermintide 2 you can see in lobby browsers which missions are already going and which are only chosen but not yet started in the keep. Also before joining any mission the game tells you if your character is already chosen and then asks you if you still wanna join or not. Not to mention that you can always host any specific level by yourself and play it from start to finish. With a sanctioned mod you can even host quickplays.

All these options, yet the game never suffered from you being unable to find/join any games - be they in process or not yet started, and the game has even less people playing it on regular than Darktide. So your arguments don’t really work here.

Left 4 Dead and Deep Rock Galactic have the same features - the game shows you missions that are already in process or lobbies that are not yet full. And in Left 4 Dead there’s an option to show you only the lobbies and no started missions.

If people don’t want to backfill, you can’t make them. I never want to continue a journey that was already started by someone else without me, and suddenly end up with missing health during a boss fight surrounded by enemies that I didn’t prepare or positioned for. Even more so, I am sometimes completely not in the mood to play with certain classes or builds that people bring, so I want to see other players loadouts before the mission starts to decide if I want to continue or not.

So in Darktide whenever I’m joining a game that is already going, I either wait for it to load and give me option to quit to the Mourning star and start all over or just press Alt+F4 immediately and maybe not even start the game again after that.

In Vermintide 2 I never had such issues due to better options for starting/joining missions. I can host/ join a not started mission. Then look at what characters and weapons other people brought. Then either change my own loadout for better synergies or just quit altogether. And all of that takes much less time than in Darktide.


Okay but conversely, I WANT to backfill, I want to only queue into matches that are struggling.

I’m sick of hitting quickplay, or maelstrom, and getting put into fresh lobbies.

PLEASE, give us two options (or a lil tickable box next to queue with the option to opt out of backfill ayyyyy???).

I absolutely love helping teams in trouble. Sure sometimes the match isn’t saveable, but its still good fun. And yeah I agree, getting a group thats at the “YOU SUCK” end screen, is a bit annoying.

Hmm, what about Maelstrom, dude? Or you propose its just the way it gotta be? I’m fine with that btw, since I prefer joining missions in progress usually.


This is how it’s supposed to work already, but in Maelstrom it doesn’t, you always get the privilege to backfill every open slot the game can find in live missions

There are tons of them because the general player level has drastically gone down - this isn’t an issue in itself but that adds more ragequitters - and people scum penances

Nobody needs to jump hoops, nobody needs to reinvent the wheel, all that’s needed is a popup saying match found showing its current status (lobby/live), yes/no

This is plain QoL

This game’s matchmaking is horrendous if you play more than one hour ever week end, for instance it’s insane that we still are not able to change class during the pre mission lobby


I agree with the OP, it should be an option if you want to join a session in progress or not.

The problem i am seeing here, however, is that once someone leaves, even if the mission isn’t lost, they likely wouldn’t be replaced, and this community has a nasty habit of Alt+F4ing missions at the slightest sign of trouble.

You’re correct
My proposal is wrong as it doesn’t cover this point.

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This stupid system is already incapable of replacing slots in a Maelstrom mission is out of rotation

Seeing as it takes 25 to 30 minutes to complete one on average, that means if you start past the 30 minutes mark you are already liable for no backfill

Oh and, shorten that window by another 5 minutes if the guy alt f4’d because the game will save his spot for that duration of time as long as he doesn’t open the game again and pick the option to not reconnect

Bruh i blocked that Flawless guy a loooong time ago, i suggest you don’t bother with anything that comes out of his mouth

idk im queueing maels all day since they added it and rarely have that issue

Keep your replies productive and free of personal attacks, please. I’ve already deleted a handful from this thread.

Back to the topic:

Stop forcing people to backfill every single freaking available in progress Maelstrom mission open slot before you let us start from the beginning

I think you might find that you’ll likely just be in a mission by yourself and/or have a hell of a wait time if the backfill didn’t happen. The playerbase is not that big compared to other co-op games.

I think I’ve hit the immediate defeat screen more often in Verm than in Darktide if I’m honest, and I do nothing other than play Auric QP whenever I queue.

It doesn’t matter

It’s crazy to me that it has to be explained

Give us the option, i don’t care if i have to wait 15 to 20 minutes before i get a lobby, i don’t want to be thrown into emergency backfill that 9 times out of 10 is a hopeless last second before defeat ragequit slot, or straight to defeat screen, which for some insane reason you can’t skip for 30 seconds

And even if it weren’t that bad, i don’t want to play half missions, i don’t understand what’s there to debate about

There’s enough lobbies to go around and there would be more if people weren’t stuck in a backfill hell loop, what’s taking so long right now is jumping between loading screens to the point where sometimes altf4 is even quicker

And i’m using the Psych Ward mod, it’s even worse for people who load back into the Morningstar

And you know what should have been changed since almost two years while i’m on it ?

Why do you start the 60 seconds timer when there’s only one person in the lobby, please educate me i want to know the logic, because the only result is games starting before it’s full, nobody wants to start a mission alone, especially not on Auric Maelstrom

Why is this still a thing, why

The matchmaking is a complete trainwreck and feedback has been entirely ignored since release

Wake up


On the contrary, the only moments I have to wait for an irritatingly big amounts of time are when I’m being forced into a started mission, which I know for a fact that I’m going to leave as soon as the loading screen ends to then face another loading screen.

If this system’s sole purpose is to force me and others like me to backfill empty slots as soon as possible, then it still fails because nothing stops players from leaving again (sometimes even through Alt+F4 which makes the slot unobtainable for much longer).

I struggle to understand why would anyone try to defend Darktide’s system. Vermintide has much better options and no downsides.

There, if players want to join started missions, they can do so freely and find games in seconds just like in Darktide. Yet if they have no such desire and want to play from start to finish, then they also have the freedom to do so. And if they want to play with others, they can either wait for them in the Keep or just start with bots and wait for refills in game. Or, again, just look at lobby browser and search for unstarted games in there.


This is a possible solution.
Maybe the bonus rewards for quickplay could be increased at the same time, in order to make it more appealing.

Most other people do mind.
A game with 15-20min queue time is doomed.
Especially when the time spent inside a mission is only around 25-30min (when played from start to finish).

It seems that your train of thought did not go that far.

Crazy indeed.

Then you should be glad to hear, that this is not the case and never has been.

It does happen sometimes, but you are exaggerating to an insane degree.

This has been criticized for a long time and by many people.
I completely agree with you here.
It makes no sense to auto start a mission, when there is only 1 person in the lobby.

Citation needed.


Citation needed.

It’s not changing, grow up.

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