Huntsman is in a weird place rn

Ok I think the important summary of the topic here, is that we can all agree hunts could use some changes. While he is a decent career the skill to reward seems off by comparison to other similar careers, but those careers shouldn’t entirely be held as baseline because, we don’t want to power creep anyone into being braindead.

Biggest issue is a lot of stuff has been power crept up, and would prolly need an entire cast rebalance just to make huntsman seem in line, as opposed to just adjusting huntsman. Hrmmm

Either way, my biggest concern is I love having a high skill hero in the game, HS is still one of my favorite careers to play, which is why im here talking about some of his flaws, I dont want that to change, but I do want some of his options to feel a little more rewarding at the same time.

I think the best option is just reworking prowl HS base career is passible even with some awkward synergy, I personally like the headshot centric build but prowl just seems… like its in a really awkward spot, as do his passives.

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I mean, I very consistently hit headshots but vs a spawn for example, good luck dude, the hitbox is like a fugging pixel and spawns movement is absurdly unpredictable, on most enemies tho its super easy.

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On that note, would anyone like Huntsmen having a 25.0% headshot bonus power perk? Could be called Taal’s Aim or something. So it would mean headshots have higher cleave, stagger and damage. Would be a bit of spin on the generic headshot bonus damage that would make sense for a slower but still precision focused career. High impact, hard-hitting headshots. No idea if it’s possible though.


honestly anything that isn’t as bare bones as what he’s got currently would be fine by me

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Then run handgun, it can bodyshot everything without the need of melee kills or timers.
Repeater Handgun is extremely spammy and can 2 - 3 shot most a lot of enemies.
If you really want to run manbow, run a hunter build and spec special breakpoints.

Dunno what else to tell you, they could tweak the timing of manbow for quicker light arrow follow ups.

Could be a talent,
e.g headshots increase power.
Headshots & crits pierce additional enemies
Headshots & crits ricochet to nearby enemies (drastically toned down chain lightning)

issue with this is, buffing headshots doesnt make a ton of sense since they generally kill everything but CWs and Bosses in 1 hit.

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Iam quite honestly also not certain of a situation where 25% power to headshots would change anything. You would still not be able to kill a CW with a shot to the face with a handgun, unless you crit. (Not that Iam saying that would be something that should be achieved. It is just the only thing that came to my mind that doesnt drop on a headshot.)

I would much rather rework Makin it look easy to be more consistent and not be triggered in melee. Taking it as passive in its current form would be a plus, even if the 5% passive would be dropped for it. The consistency and ability to not be triggered in melee could be a talent in its place.

The whole “BUT will it CRIT!” game is tiring, even with 45% critchance.

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honestly yeah melee strikes consuming makin’ it look easy is annoying
Makin’ it look easy can be manipulated into guaranteed crits to some degree

Assuming a max crit chance build & Makin’ it look easy is already active, here’s how your crit chance actually looks:

  • Shot 1: 24.9%
  • Shot 2: 49.86%
  • Shot 3: 74.79%
  • Shot 4: 99.72% (essentially a guaranteed crit)

Sure. But up to four consecutive headshots for one crit you can bank on is a tad bit much if you ask me. (Especially if you count in the “feature” of it being able to be triggered in melee, we talked about.)

Personally I get annoyed by that Talent a lot when I shoot at a CW pat, or just a Monster and at times the sought after noise isn’t ringing in my ears and the Monsters bar doesn’t jump, despite doing nothing wrong. There is no reason for a Talent to be that kind of random.

what if sure-shot was reintroduced as a passive but instead of it being free headshot stacks it was 1 (and only 1) guaranteed crit as a reward for landing a headshot? So to keep the crits rolling you’d have to keep landing headshots

Making it look easy could then be replaced with something else (maybe bring back the bonus power on headshot? idk)

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You just need 1 headshot
1 headshot will result in a 1 in 4 crit rate
when you crit is relative to your last crit

headshot = guaranteed crit within next 3 hits.
non crit, headshot = guaranteed crit within next 2 hits
non crit, non crit, headshot = guaranteed crit next hit

I could go on, it’s weird but neat

So just a buffed, makin’ it look easy?
It would certainly be more reliable and do away with the whole keeping track of crits.

I must admit, makin’ it look easy feels pretty meh and unreliable without any crit investment.

I’m happy as long as WNWN remains.

more or less yeah, Waste Not Want Not should definitely stay.

Would love to test that. That stack being a crit would also remove the weird Blunder interaction the beta sure footed had.

I’m just worried about powercreep.
Part of me is curious how much can be baked into his passive without being OP
(To open up more level 20 slots & ideas)

But guaranteed crits might end up being stronger than guaranteed headshots.

wouldn’t be that powercrept really considering BH, WHC, Shade and hell even Engi are critting for free without even needing to headshot. Could just adjust it to be built in Hunter-esque proc on headshots rather than granting crits maybs if it’s too wild

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crit body shots typically do just as much if not more than regular headshots
a lot of us were disgusted by Sure Shot, maybe it was just the way it was implemented then

I guess pressing F for free headshots made it feel overly cheesy

If it’s just 1 stack and it can’t be earned any way other than headshots then it might be okay

Sure Shoted was crazy because Makin It look easy got triggered by it. You double dipped on modifiers and could use prowl and potion ontop of it.

There is no danger in that happening if its “just” a crit for a headshot.

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biggest problem with sure shot was you could get multiple stacks for free and just run around headshotting without thinking about it; went from not enough for reward for high skill to massive reward for zero skill. The damage output was a secondary problem tbh

Also as Radina pointed out there was a lot of double dipping going on with free headshots. We got Makin’ it Look Easy+that power stack talent they introduced all proccing


Not to mention how many times bosses suddenly attack other players, with their backs to you (so 0% chance of headshot)

Okay, but that’s just an Handgun’s feature: slow, not versatile, few ammo but can bodyshot. It’s a bare weapons’ balance reasoning… it doesn’t have much to do with mine.

Instead, regarding Rep Gun, we have already talked about it and you know how I think: strong weapon, but does not synergize well with Huntsman’s talents.

Don’t worry, nothing. We are simply explaining our ideas and it’s normal to have points of disagreement.

Anyway, personally, the first thing I would do to the Man Bow is to increase its penetration (only on the charge 3 arrows) a little.