the last 4-5 Days some friends and i recognise huge problems with lags and DCs (Error 2001 and sometimes following with 4008).
I assume that this is caused by an internal change of the matchmaking.
Please confirm, that you increased the matchmaking radius due to the low playercount.
The current player count is at 3.000 - 5.000 players worldwide, depending on datetime.
If the matchmaking is then still splitted into the continental regions, player would wait long for groups.
I’m afraid you’ve come up with the not-so-good idea, to put players of other regions together (like NASA + EMEA).
This would explain the significantly increased rate of lags and disconnects.
I would really apreciate, when you can gice an statement to this.
Also lag during the endgame screen. Yesterday I played with some friends from SA (I’m NA) and the lag was noticeable, but only on my part. It seems they weren’t experiencing any.
Can confirm I’ve been experiencing both of these, as well as other lag-related issues such as animation glitches and taking melee damage when enemies are a LONG way away from me.
I can also confirm I got all these.
Very noticeable lag/pause during end screen.
2001/4008 errors repeatedly.
Sometimes very unstable desynchronisations with models skating/unstable states without being disconnected.
Indian Ocean here, usually playing with asians and aussies during Quickplay sessions.
No connectivity issues with other games (Insurgency Sandstorm is silky smooth, for example).