US East Servers have extremely poor connection quality (Error 2001, 4008)

Issue Description:
US East servers are experiencing high amounts of instability. If you could even get into the Mourningstar, much less a mission, you’d experience constant rubberbanding and stuttering, models gliding through walls while being stuck in idle animations, among various other connection-related oddities.

Crash Report:

Errors Displayed:
2001, 2003, 4008

Steps to Reproduce:
1. Exist in US East region (issues have not been observed in other data center regions)
2. Be unable to play due to constant disconnects, instability (Most notable error codes: 2001, 4008)
3. Cry

Mission Name:


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Timezone: CST
UTC Timestamps listed in console logs section.

Reproduction Rate:
Rarely, the servers seem to function properly. What I suspect is happening is that later at night or earlier in the morning, lower player counts in US East lead me to being placed in US West lobbies. When this doesn’t happen, I get a perfectly smooth game with bots in which no one seems to join, and if a human player happens to join, I notice a massive decrease in server stability.

Supporting Evidence:

Console Logs:
Due to AWS services going down on the 6 of December, I’ve decided to include multiple logs on that date and since then. I’ve experienced issues at least once per day.

darktide_launcher.log (954.6 KB)

It would appear that Darktide uses the same system that Vermintide does when finding your default lobby. In order to change it,

  1. Open Steam
  2. Click “Steam” in the top left bar
  3. Settings > Downloads > Download Region
  4. Personally I’ve found that Sacramento is the least likely to place me in US East sessions while still offering approx. 70ms ping. Try whatever server works best for you.
  5. Restart Steam to apply changes. If you begin encountering Error code 9999, reset your router.

We are still battling these errors. I apologise this is not yet solved.

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Can vouch for this issue. Located on the East Coast of the US and I am pretty much unable to play the game.

Either rubber banding and lagging so bad i can barely play, or getting booted with a 2001 error before even getting into a mission.

if you open your logs you should see there three things:

  • the ping to all servers
  • the server you connected to when going into hub
  • the server you actually got connected to for your mission

could you check if both are the same and that both have low ping? i saw bug reports that lobby was on low ping servers but actual gameplay was on high ping servers (why is the question)…

i wonder if this does not happen to you. i am not sure what is fix for it (is that the region choice mentioned few messages up?)

This exact issue is back and is randomly plaguing the players.

Here’s two Reddit posts that shows and explains the issue.