TL;DR - Upgrade to 6th rarity for a very high consecration cost. 6th rarity unlocks all perks and blessings and caps stats or gives point buy system to allocate stats at player discretion.
This system would, in theory, allow players who are willing to put in the work a way to escape RNG on gear, while not invalidating the systems FS has designed by letting players who don’t want to invest that much instead settle for the best rolled weapon they can find
A solution where FS and anti-RNG players get what they want
FS clearly thinks that there needs to be friction in-between the player and their “perfect weapon” roll. Why this is I don’t know, whether it’s a good decision or a mistake I also don’t know, but what I do know is that they want it, have designed a very complex system around it, and don’t seem to be willing to budge away from it. So how do we fix this in a way that makes both FS and the player base happy? 6th rarity, above orange.
What makes 6th rarity, let’s call it red rarity, special
- Red rarity weapons have no perk or blessing locks and both can be re-rolled for free
- Red rarity weapons have capped stats or a point buy system for stats which can be re-allocated for free
How FS gets what they want too, the cost
Consecrating to this rarity would be extremely expensive. This is because, again, FS clearly really wants their RNG systems and if we can turn one of each weapon into a red rarity god-roll after a couple sessions then this would invalidate them almost instantly. So, if we’re going to ask FS to allow us to permanently exempt certain weapons from RNG, the most agreeable “bargain” that I think can be struck is for us to have to pay a lot to do so. It’d be sort of like the difference between paying rent over time for an apartment vs. forking over one massive lump sum for a house. Rolling on orange weapons is cheaper and easier in the short term, but saving up a ton of currency to blow it all on a perfect red weapon pays off in the long term.
Why bother with stats
I might be reading into this too much but I think random stats will become a bigger problem down the line for really dedicated players. Even if FS unlocks perks and blessings we’ll still be stuck with a system where you’re effectively pulling the handle on Brunt’s slot machine over and over just hoping for all five stats to have the ideal 0-100 variance you’re looking for. That’s gacha tier RNG with no pity system. I mean, imagine if they did unlock perks and blessings, and you’ve got your highest rolled THammer now with ideal tier IVs, only to then see a fresh level 30 walk in with a THammer that has even luckier base stats. Are you going to feel incentivized to dump another 200 hours into pulling THammers? Or are you going to feel incentivized to play something else.
My solution to this is to either cap all stats at 100% on red rarity weapons, or if that would be too OP, instead have a point buy system wherein the player would be given an amount of total stats, maybe 400, that they could allocated (and re-allocate) freely on that weapon where 1 point = 1 %. For example, a Rashad axe could be assigned the following stats : 100% Damage 20% Mobility 100% Penetration 80% Finesse 100% First Target. While staying within the 400 point limit.
Don’t use the VT2 red rarity system
Relying on RNG to get five red weapons so you can scrap them to make one red weapon you want goes straight back to the problem DT is having which is that it doesn’t reward dedication or skill, but just luck. Make upgrading from orange to red in DT just another consecration, one that doesn’t require an RNG-only currency, just tons of Plasteel, Diamantine, and Ordo Dockets, or at absolute most, a currency you can only get from completing some kind of tier 6 difficulty.
Another option could be a weekly cap on a grindable currency (e.g. Get 1 bright dust per clear of a tier 6 map, with only 5 bright dust per week possible). It wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world and I’d take it over nothing, but… c’mon.
Having characters fully equipped with this red rarity gear would be seen as the product of dedication, not the norm. The RNG systems they’ve created would remain the norm for casual players, those who don’t care to grind for the perfection of red rarity, gear you use before having enough currency to create a red rarity version of it, and characters you don’t have much interest in playing often. But for those dedicated enough to desire perfect rolls, and skilled enough to farm out the cost, the option will be available, and the payoff will be permanently best-in-slot gear, on which you have near total creative freedom, and never have to worry about RNG ever again.
Just gonna leave this here.