Hotfix #47 (1.4.13) Patch Notes


  • Maccabian Duelling Swords
    • added also to Veteran and Zealot

Edit: Sorry if this didnā€™t help!

I think he meant like they are in Vermintide 2, how a specific hammer you have built on a slayer is useable on a ranger. (Not that I think you can equate these 2 scenarios).

I assume as @Gideon404 said, this a no, regardless of whether or not this is for/against design intent.


Ah, oops! Thanks for clearing that up. :pray:


@FatsharkStrawHat What is the timing for sharing more details about the crafting system? Weā€™re a week out from the update and we need the details on how to manage our inventory and blessings ahead of the update.

Key questions:

  1. How much mastery is needed to unlock tier 4 blessings.

  2. How much mastery do blessings in our current blessing library provide at each tier?

  3. How much mastery does ā€œsacrificingā€ items provide (for in-family and out-of-family).

  4. How many resources will it cost to upgrade an items base rating to max? Does mastery level have any limits on this?

  5. For a presumably new weapon family, how much XP do you need to max a weapon? Is this XP based on the same XP from missions?

I think these are the key questions we need to know ASAP.

dev blog this week

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Those are usually Thursdays - so hopefully today?

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Thatā€™s my guess, today probably soon!

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Magic 8 ball says yes


btw, as i was just angrily posting about melk in another thread:
the patch will bring new blessings to many weapons. what will be the sources for getting these blessings for our sticker books?
buying them from melk? but iirc we wonā€™t be able to get the blessings off the weapons he sells. same for those from hadronā€™s lottery, which will remain for those who like gambling.
so do we have to sacrifice other weapons in order to gain full mastery, which opens the blessing pool?

If you have all T3 and T4 blessings you get the weapon mastered on update. If you do not have the 6 or so Rumbler blessings that fall under this criteria (ditto for surge staff and a couple others) just buy like 20 or so white weapons of that type and wait to trash them come update. Into that new Hadron function where weapons can be ground down into mastery progression. I canā€™t imagine they would cost more than that looking at the current experience curve (assuming its not growing exponentially it would be around 10 games worth of Damnation rounds).

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SO, the plan was for it to come out today but something has held it up. Iā€™m really sorry yā€™all, itā€™s out of our hands. It will be tomorrow now.

What I can offer instead is a dev blog on the new mission. :pray: Prepping it on all the sites now.


Vigorously re-shakes

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Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Much appreciated.


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