Whats the idea behind being unable to dodge hookrat back?
Force player dodge left and right when surrounded by incoming horde and its literally unreal at most situations? And this bastard literally walking through 9000 stacked slave rats and grabs you in even if you press left/right + space cause theres no space to dodge?
Disablers so bad designed in this game. Like they really need some changes. First example is hookrat, coming through horde, and impossible to dodge back. Are disablers forcing you to kill horde in a blink of an eye or they forcing you to stick together cause basically not all of us are ideal V2 players?
Second example is assassin. If its skill determined being able to dodge and kill assassin, make him attack at least after 5 seconds after spawning, just as you did to gas rats. There were at least million situations me killing assassin rat already pouncing someone and after that hearing “Yes yes, swarm them…” This is so screwed.
And being pounced/grabbed while horde incoming almost 80% time make squishes fall cause horde will attack disabled person. And then, being punced/grabbed while there’s no enemies around makes NOTHING. Whats the reason? I dont know.
It would make sense to make hookrats and gutter runners deal % dmg of target’s heath, for example
Gutter runner
- 5% hp on connect
- 10% hp per second while disabled
- ignored by other foes
pretty much same for packmasters, but bit more punishable damage on connection cause of easier dodge
- 15% hp on connect
- 10% hp per second while disabled
- ignored by other foes
This would make sense, cause
- It will hurt if there’s no other enemies near
- It will hurt if you are too far from teammates to save you
- It will not insta kill you cause of incoming wave
- It will make no difference if the IB being grabbed into wave, or WS, punish will be pretty much the same, while as is IB will survive most likely, and WS will be downed or even killed most likely.
- It will make talents “reduced incoming damage when disabled by 50%” actually viable.
Discuss, offer idea how to make life leech actually a threat
p.s. if you dont feel like being able to dodge hookrat backwards is a thing need to be implemented think how stupid is idea to have boss+wave+specials then.