Hold A... on keyboard and mouse?

Issue Type (Required):


Issue Description (Required):

I am on a PC, keyboard and Mouse. Always have been and have never used a controller.

This load in greets me with ‘Hold A’ and I cannot skip the cut scene which is no biggie, I suppose, as it is just a couple of minutes of my life. However, when I arrive to the character selection screen I cannot do anything as I don’t even possess a controller to plug in to select one of my characters. Yes, I have verified my files. Any suggestions as to how I solve this would be greatly appreciated!

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

‘britinmadrid’ Steam ID: 76561198090640042

Upload Supporting Evidence (Optional):

Could you share your most recent console log with us, please? :slight_smile:

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Hello! I’ll try to dig out that report when I am out of my current 3-hour online meeting.

However, following advice from Reddit I did disconnect the Razer Tartarus Pro peripheral which is always connected to my PC, and this solved the problem. To be clear, I always have this controller connected when I play Darktide, including this morning before the patch. Consequently, this is clearly the problem.

All of my Drivers are up to date.


I’ve come here to report exactly this. This N&V patch has broken everything while the Razer Tartarus Pro is connected.

Can’t skip the start cutscene. Can’t get past the Splash Screen.