Higher difficulty content

They could add a super saiyan monstrosities mode where it’s just like monstrous specialists except they’re always full strength monstrosities. (Tbh before they fixed that bug, that was often game over when you had 2+ full strength monstrosities coming at you)

I ask everyone who’s interested in this topic to take like ten to twenty minutes to read this article, Arkham City Part 3: A Difficult Discussion on Difficulty - Twenty Sided, in which the late great Shamus Young takes time out of a longform analysis to discuss difficulty, and also discuss the discussion of difficulty.

But if you don’t want to, in brief, everyone has a different set of standards and beliefs about what “difficulty” even is. We’re not talking about a single line that goes from Easy to Hard. Do you want the game to have more things you need to be able to do well in order to survive? Do you want the game to punish you more for any mistakes? Do you want the obstacles to take higher degrees of skill to bypass without taking damage? Or something else? I wonder if what’s wanted isn’t even something “hard” but rather something engaging.

Something being “OP” or “too easy” doesn’t say anything. For starters, obviously it’s subjective; anything that you personally are bad at is “hard” and anything you personally have become good at is now “easy,” and there’s not much any game designer could do about that, except keep making new games for you to learn I guess.

At base, there are skills to learn in this game. Not the talent tree stuff, I mean like actual skill at playing the game well. Things like how quickly you can line up a headshot, how well you can time a block or a dodge, knowledge about the map layouts, judgment about when to look for supplies and when to keep pushing forward, where to position yourself when a threat approaches, etc. If you’ve become extremely good at all these things, then no amount of increasing the amount of damage enemies do or the amount of health they have is ever going to feel challenging. Those things will not create more engagement. They’ll probably just end up being either boring or annoying.

Unfortunately “engagement” is also a subjective and slippery thing.

A concept I would kick around if I were developing the game is customizable settings, perhaps unlocked once you reach a certain level or complete a certain number of missions. Since “difficulty” is so nebulous and so subjective, maybe the best solution is to give the players the reins and let them create their own custom game modes. Sliders to determine various aspects of the game, like enemy health, damage, speed, awareness, suppression resistance, density, who knows. And then you can just host a game with your own settings that you enjoy. Triple horde size? Infinite ammunition? Maulers insta-kill you? Complete corruption immunity? Bombers are invisible? Ragers are immune to stagger? Ragers are immune to ranged damage? All enemies are ogryns? Whatever sounds good to you. Obviously a tall order for game development, but I can’t think of how else to satisfy a craving for engagement from so many players who all have different standards for what engages them. And maybe even that’s not enough, because maybe what you really want is more special enemy types.

this got long winded. But, that’s because this is a really deep subject that almost always seems to boil down to extremely unhelpful cries of “MAKE GAEM HARDER” and nobody understanding what that even means.

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I 100% agree that customizable missions would be wonderful in DT. I understand it could negatively impact matchmaking, but surely private missions at least should have the option to pick their own modifiers and map.

That said, if they really want to crank the difficulty up to 11, it seems like they could just do this however they did it in VT2. I didn’t play VT2 enough to ever experience the crazy difficulties myself, so I don’t know exactly what they did… but it’s a similar enough game that I assume they could implement a similar difficulty in DT.

I personally dislike HISTG because I don’t like the pacing. These kind of games I feel have and ebb and flow to them that HISTG just plasters over with non-stop spawns and it’s just not for me. Normal HI seems to feel better for me. HISTG feels a little too much like work lol.

You are so arrogancy, FS just spawn 1000 normal gunners at a time, then you will disappear. You can waiting for the all-ranged damnation maelstrom to punish you lol.

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What? Ranged only maelstrom’s aren’t remotely close to being the hardest mission type, any halfway decent vet can make it a non issue, as do kickback/rumbler ogryn and every smite or surge psyker that has figured out how to do a slide.

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the old version vets can do it with 75% damage reduction. but now 1000 gunners can seckill you.

I really don’t get your problem, like this is a clip with a very average build with a lower tier weapon not even using grenades or cover much, messing up dodge count and with very mediocre aim.

Let me know if you literally want me to show you what 1000 gunners looks like.

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Have you tried to run the fun hidden mission modifier of bad teammates with solo quick play?

Pretty sure he meant shooters only and not gunners mixed in, which feeds Confirmed Kill. But with how many gunners and so on spawn in a mixed group of shooters now, it wasn’t far off to be a representation of what you could expect in a game, close to same ratio, just more of what you could get in every given encounter.

idk man, obvously you can’t trade fire with a horde of shooters but it’s not like you cannot do this in a real game. same build.

crap bitrate cause 30mb limit

And yeah ofcourse loads, but I play the game to play with teammates not with bots.

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I want to see the 1000 mutie challenge

Does this suffice ;d?


Haha nice, now spawn a thousand of em in a ring with you in the middle :cowboy_hat_face:

I like Killing Floor 2 approach when with higher difficulties mobs use new attacks and tricks.

Like shooters could use tactical roll more often, aoe slam for crushers, dodge or block ability for bruisers, frag grenade for gunners, etc.

Not sure will such approach work in DT or not, but they should find some another way to deliver challenge via interesting mechanics and more nuanced deep combat rather than specials spam.

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I mean, fs could just add the amount that gunners spawn once, in t5 plus its 30 or 40, then you can reach t6 with 60.

Aite I’ve been running auric maelstroms a bunch since patch 14 and I gotta concede that maaaaayyyyybe things are getting a lil too easy now. Me and the boys have started doing three man runs to keep it challenging and it made me stop and think, goshdurnit maybe those miserable whiners had a point :thinking:

Even monster missions aren’t as nuts as they used to be, now that they fixed the full strength monster spawns…

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