Higher difficulty content

I’ll just keep this short to avoid coming off as boasting.

Because of either all the buffs everyone got in the last couple patches or people getting better at the game. Auric damnation maelstrom is starting to feel like sedition. I cant actually remember the last time I lost a game as 4 stack, except for multiple people getting thrown off a map by barrel or random demonhost shenanigans with multiple chaos spawns.

I usually play with most of the highest playtime/level/skill players on EU and in order to feel like we are getting any sort of challenge we usually have to resort to duo queueing since about 90% of players queueing maelstrom seem to be fresh lvl 30 xbox players which makes it a bit spicier at least.

Something like twitch mode/adding custom modifiers/another higher difficulty that doesnt give more rewards would be much appreciated by a lot of veteran players since the main draw of the tide games is the struggle.

Related balance stuff:

Psyker is just game breaking OP with empowered psyionics affecting shout ult burn damage, surge staff and burn talent spreading in general. The only psyker build that kinda feels balanced at top skill level is gunpsyker.

Vet VoC shield spam is also way too strong and we usually end games with everyone taking <300 damage.

Ogryn rippergun gunlugger build also just rolls everything.


It would be nice to have something but they can’t now focus on 1% of players. Psyker is bugged again so there is no point in balancing it now. There are many “OP” things in the game but it is just power creep added with recent updates. The problem with nerfing is that it might not feel impactful and we end up with Chaos Wastes (V2) that lost all OP builds and is a boring game mode. I think making games fun for the majority is far more important than making it difficult. In Vermintide 2 there is a mod for high difficulty but very few people was/is playing it.


Wait really? How did that even happen lol.

I think it is Surge staff with secondary attack, not soulburn.

Surge EP bug doesn’t affect soulburn directly , but it certainly makes spreading soulburn easier.

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I’ve got 600 or so hours in this game and imo auric maelstroms are still pretty hard even with a premade. Depends on the condition of course, some are silly (fog and snipers oh noes), but the monstrous specialists ones are still reliably spicy – especially the +Nurgle’s blessing and +lights out conditions.

Monstrous specialists…the new hi5 STG? @Reginald :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Definitely. I think i’m pretty damned good at this game and i feel that i can reliably clear auric hi damnation and auric hishock. As long as at least one member on my team is good enough to clutch in case i mess up then i usually can count on a win. Monstrous specials is the one mission type that i consistently lose even if i bring a hammer usually things get very messy and someone does something stupid, goes down, and it becomes unrecoverable. Which I like. I hope we see other ways to increase difficulty over time besides spamming the hardest enemies in the game.

I know telopots basically only plays this modifier where possible and i understand why, its fun. I’m sure i could refine a play style that could handle it consistently but i like the organic challenge and am trying to not eat my whole meal at once. I also don’t always play with people all the time with my single minded dedication to one bajillion hours of the same game. My regular crew take lots of goofy stuff into missions and mess around. I see this as a way to keep interest high and do it myself.


There will be in all likelihood a new difficulty level with a new level cap to reach (probably 35) and item levels to match that (100 curio rating, 25% max HP, 20% max toughness, etc).

This is a temporary snapshot of the game, not the permanent thing. Come Christmas, we will probably be back to cursing out Trappers.


I still do!
Sometimes they shoot sideways, you know

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Even nurgle blessed monstrous specialist scab missions are sedition honestly, and it’s the most common thing I play.

Usually just having one person that can do boss damage makes it a non issue, and we usually have more than one so bosses basically are deleted within 5 seconds every time.

But this is with groups where the average hour count in the tide games per player is about ~6k

Well, then you are probably in the top 0.001% of players. Which is great, but you have to understand why they’re not making content just for you and the other 4 people at that skill level. I feel pretty confident for the vast vast vast majority of players, including PC players with hundreds of hours in the game, these missions are still very challenging.


Sure I ofcourse know that, but it’s not like they have to do anything specific for veteran players that wouldn’t also be good content for normal players.

Anything that allows for a more customizable experience like twitch mode with settings you can crank up will do for veteran players. In V2 we could also adjust stuff ourselves with mods but thats not an option yet in DT.

And I feel like it’s better for the health of the game if people aren’t seeing that there’s nothing for them to do at the ‘endgame’, even if most people will realistically never get to that point.

I’ve seen a significant chunk of my friends list go back to vermintide because they’re all looking to get stomped by the AI director but darktide just doesnt offer that.

Problem with more difficulty is that it can make game less responsive and split the community. I played DWONS3 in V2 and hypertwitch. I like hypertwitch because it just spawns more enemies but without changing mechanics but DWONS3 makes all your weapons hit like wet noodle, game is harder mostly because it makes you weaker and it feels bad for me. The other problem is that people start to talk about builds with new players that are completely fine in base game and judge it bad because it wont work on DWONS3.

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I agree, i feel that enemy health in general is in a good place in damnation.

Maybe they could tweak agressiveness or attack speed of trash melee enemies, since a lot of them take like 6+ seconds to wind up a swing it’s a bit silly. Giving trash mobs a bit more health probably also wouldnt hurt.

Twitch for more fun difficulty spikes or other modifiers for more elites/bosses/patrols or more special squad spawns would be ideal imo.

Monster modifier is but a loadout check, only hard if you show up unprepared. Or a psyker, than you are screwed, unless you bring some junk like infernus laspistol.

Unironically you should just not bring any boss damage weapons in your premade.

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honestly even the worst boss damage weapons still melt bosses, and if i need to force my teammates to not use things they want to use it’s a problem with the game.

Everyone uses different weapons and builds all the time regardless and it doesn’t really come close to making anything hard enough even with 4x meme builds.

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Tbh I’m kinda curious to watch a video of you guys crushing monstrosity missions with 4x meme builds


I struggle all the time with the auric monster specials maelstrom.
But I do understand since it’s normally me and a mate with 2 randoms playing and some times we can’t even beat the first and other times we clear with 0 deaths and kill each boss in under 30 seconds.

I think what you need to do is just run with 300 power white weapons on your stack and see if it makes a fun challenge or just makes you feel weak.

Imagine using literally bugged/strongest builds and then complaining about the game being too easy.