No difficulty at all

What happened ? There is literally zero difficulty in the game right now, nor skill involved. Even maelstrom feels like malice. Really hope this is unintended.


Yeah it’s kind of sad. I really enjoyed running auric level damnation and feeling like any small mistake could end up wiping the team. Now we can just face roll.


I love the update and the changes but yes, auric has gone from a challenge where I felt like I had to be constantly aware to, oh look we have another toughness bubble, or oh I lost toughness let me stealth and regain it, or oh let’s just one hit this boss and go on our merry way and drop a mini nuke if the hoarde is too big.

Desperately need it brought back in line because without a challenge the game feels like I don’t even need to think and that removes the fun of the comeback from being down, you don’t have clutch play potential anymore because no one dies.

I really hope there’s a quick fix for it because it took a long time for auric to be added and the game to have the challenge it needed at the top end and the power creep from the changes removed it.


Try rolling at a Veteran class if you want a challenge,


Vets still easy too, I ran revolver, tac axe with stealth and had no challenge. You get a ton of damage potential in the build and can pop stealth for full toughness to never die, there’s not a single class that’s weak in this update

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Yep exactly.

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Mind showing me your build?

Vermintide 2 was ruined imo with nerfs, it became a boring melee slog that still wasn’t really difficult, just grindy, so it’s an intricate needle to thread

This is what I did just looking through it once, might not be Psyker knives/fire output in damage (which is overtuned to hell) but it was comfortable to melee horde and revolver most specials inbetween with 1 or 2 shots.

Honestly the axe was a test run for crit, there are probably infinitely better options, but it was fine for how easy auric damnation now is either way.

Yea, obviously you didn’t try cataclysm or fortunes of war, even on legend.

I did try cata, it was boring. Too much carry and pointless grind

Fortunes of war is endless waves, I don’t see the point of that

You must understand that you are niche; even if I am so, you are definitely

The most fun state of Vermintide 2 for me was its original beta, so that will tell you about my taste.

You had even more enemies to match the powerful classes, if memory serves. Definitely a lot of them, either way

For example, the end of Against the Grain, instead of some gate guards and stragglers and maybe a horde or two, there was a literal army out there, with chaos magic and assassins flying

I remember in V2 beta chaos warriors were like mini bosses wich i prefer much more. It was so whole team must work together to kill one of that bastard. Horde game is a horde game, but when it’s almost as many elites and specials as poxwalkers there then it’s meh.

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I like the abilities and I don’t think they should change. I believe the only solution in the end besides a full rework is to either massively buff some of the enemies or nerf a lot of the stat buffs/ability damage/stun ratio in the talent trees.

They can make some enemies not get staggered by psyker abilities and make some more resistant to psyker damage, make some specials able to see stealthed units. There are many things they can do to balance the system.

Spam nades, spam ultimate, use chainsword a lot like hybrid class (kruber merc/saltz whc from V2), life is good Leave no one behind can be swaped to Field improvisation.

Feels like they turned it up today. I wonder if there was some throttling of spawns happening because of server load

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Would be really good news.

There was a bug with the AI Director not spawning in enough enemies

I feel it’s still there. Hordes are “thinner” than before.

Ive had some very challenging games since, although I’ve certainly noticed shield dome psykers and throwing shard psykers make every single mission theyre in easier.
non stop domes and knives certainly need their cooldowns adjusted. Everything else seems much better now than the initial day of games though.
gj fatshark :slight_smile: