Director sleeping On Damnation/Auric/Maelstorm

Auric Maelstorm and Auric High Shock feels like normal damnation now, is the tuning for lower difficulty on Director ramping affecting Higher difficulty by mistake now? bc compare to before patch it feels way less chaotic now on higher difficulty.

Can confirm. Last nights mael runs were incredibly casual. Very few spawns, barely any horde.
The only time we felt even remotely threatened was when we got 2 weakened chaos spawn whilst the sword twin was ambushing us. Even that was easy.

We might need to ramp up the boss health modifier on monstrous specials further. Like 60-80%

Yet again, the game has gotten too easy and feels stale.

I’m feeling it too.

I had both a T5 HiSTG and a T5 Maelstrom where I kept hitting tab to make sure I wasn’t in regular T5. The director seems to be on holiday right now.


Is there a way to tune up the difficulty for auric only missions (while leaving default damnation as it is)?

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