AI Director SUCKS now

This is for damnation auric hi shock in particular. It’s an absolute snooze fest now. Previously it was incredibly intense with nonstop fighting. The only real problem before was special spam and stealth specials. But the intensity was great


Honestly i noticed it seemed a lot less intense baring fire completely deleting me in 0.2 of a second unless im popping something like icon.

It’s hard to gauge since the ai director feels like it goes through mood swings where some games will feel like they are no challenge and other ones of the same type will crank it up to 11.

If anything i would say they need to tighten it up so Auric stays hard but you don’t get the director going into overdrive on normal 4s and 5s while people are still working their way up to the higher difficulties.

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Definitely agree about the mood swings but it feels like it typically favors snooze fest matches over actually intense, nonstop fighting. For anything below auric hi shock 5 i agree it shouldnt be full balls to the wall but in auric damnation, hi shock it should

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I believe this is the equivalent of your radio being stuck at max volume for a week and then when you get it fixed everything else sounds quiet.


Its fine on solo queue, easy when with premade

Weren’t those changes supposed to affect low/mid difficulties ONLY?

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Hmm, interesting. It definitely feels like it’s effecting auric damnation. So im wondering if it’s bugged

Nothing is impossible for Fatshark :clown_face:

I really feel like this is a personal thing.

I have noticed no changes in the director at all, on the contrary I feel there are even more special spams now.

I just finished a (T5 auric) run with a nonstop spawn of snipers: for each laser that we took out a new one would pop up.
We even had a laser show of 10 snipers at once that took out 3 of us. All with hordes of trappers, flamers, and bombers to bring spice to the party.

Director definitely feels overnerfed right now, but I think more differentiation between standard and auric director should be present for a proper difficulty climb.

I played a regular Damnation and an Auric HI Damnation back to back.

The first mission felt totally dead, and the biggest pack of enemies we had was something like 4 Bulwarks and 3 Shotgunners, more or less. It was like 1-2 Specialists every 30+ seconds. We had so much breathing room across the mission to just go from room to room silently and it was shockingly bizarre for me. It definitely felt like launch-era Darktide.

Auric HI wasn’t as chaotic as I was expecting. Specialists were definitely more frequent (about a rate of 4-5 or so every 30 seconds with recognizable packs of Specialists here and there) but it feels like there’s very rarely situations that are threatening.

There was definitely actual packs of Shotgunners, Ragers, and Gunners, with the frequent wave of Ogryn enemies. But it didn’t feel like what it was before where you had an entire skirmish line of ranged enemies set up in a room you’re trying to breach.

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Yes this is it. There’s so much breathing room between hordes now and it becomes a snooze fest. But like someone else said the director is also kinda wishy washy, sometimes it is intense then other matches are a breeze. I remember before the last patch, the last objective in Hab Dreyko could get so crazy and overwhelming with constant elite spawns but now it’s so lackluster. Even the new map objectives are a snooze fest on auric hi shock. Then again it could be that the experienced players are sort of “desensitized” in a way to the intensity. At this point i think an “endless horde” version of hi shock is in order. Where they keep the special spawns but increases the patrols as well as nonstop hordes, or very little breathing room between them

What difficulty are we talking about?

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