I’ve been troubleshooting for hours to get this game to stop crashing, many in-game settings changes like turning DLSS off, lower graphical settings etc. and it still crashes.
But the only thing that stops me crashing is dialling the “Worker Thread down to 1” with some performance loss…
Many folks can’t even finish the tutorial and missions without crashing. Multi-threading is broken. Please Fix!
AMD Ryzen 3700X
Nvidia RTX 3080 (Latest Driver)
Windows 11 Pro
It didn’t change anything for me. Treads set to 1 DLSS Off RTX OFF etc OFF MEdium Settings low Settings. Game Crashing after 20-40 mins. Rnd. Unplayable for me Horrible Status.
Don’t have a crash report, but the only way I managed to make the game playable was also reducing threads to 1, but sacrificing considerable performance and visual fidelity.
From the default 9 worker thread, I decided to reduce one by one if I got crash.
After 8 crashes, I reached 1 and the crashes are gone.
However with 1 worker thread the game spikes sometimes (GC). A little bit losing the smoothness, but still viable.
I tried that too, but eventually it crashed on 1 worker as well. Reducing the worker threads definitelly seems to help (seems like it crashes less), but it’s not solving the issue completely. I play on 6 now, to have some reasonable performance and I bear with the fact it crashes sometimes. The game claims the crash reports get sent, so I didn’t keep any. My client sent like a 100 though, since 17th
I tried to grab the logs that correspond with crash dumps I can see on my local machine, I assume these have some errors. If you want more, let me know, this is just the first two days, I have loads more … . In the very least, I can say that someone really needs to find that special grenadiers attachments. I can throw in couple more from today, those above might have been still with high amount of threads.
Seems like those on win 11 can only use 1 worker thread or crash using 2 or more threads. All my other friends who are able to run multi threads smoothly are on win 10
Windows 11 here, an same issue… I have set graphics to minimal… or to MAX… Can play ALL settings, as long as threads are set to 1… anything higher, I make it 40-50 seconds into the game… get a loud repeating/screetch of whatever sound effect is going on… an error reporter time…
Same for me, I tried literally everything and the only thing that more-or-less stopped crashing is setting the thtread count to 1 (even 2 is too high).
However the problem is that by doing so I lose like 40-60 fps…
This is a shooter, I need FPS.