It’s been how long, three days now? Edit: so yeah, make them switch more often than once every week.
they are only switching it every week and possibly giving a new condition for the weekend. its incredibly frustrating and boring since most of those conditions doesn’t add any difficulty. For example hounds- it just makes mission a bit longer cause you have to wait them out.
They made one really good condition that a lot of people liked, shock troop gauntlet but it seems we are only getting it every second week
The issue with these gimmicky conditions is that you load up on one type of damage with is either very boring, incredibly obnoxious or both. Sniper is just obnoxious, hounds are both.
STG worked because it upped the ante while staying varied and it kept forcing you to make decisions about where to focus your attention. Neither of which either of these new conditions manage to do.
Shock troops >>>>>>> hounds
BOTH. Big sniper spawns and doggy spawns should be random mission events and not modes. As moded they are tedious and i only play them because they come paired with Hi-Int when i want a good game.
Please give us back shock troop gauntlet which is like difficulty 6 that you have no plans of implementing. So players are satisfied with this instead just please let us play it
Yeah. Why don’t we have those randomly happen during missions? The sound of the dogs getting unleashed is loud and recognizable. That would be alot more fun than having dogs after every wave.
God how I miss twitch mode…
It would be, i believe the meme word is, KINO to hear that howl in the middle of a standard run as some other chaos is going on and realize how bad things are about to get.
so it got replaced with lights out, still no shock troop
Pls no. I can already see this being c’ancerous af. Imagine having to clutch and then the dogs randomly roll around…
Just put this behind a twitch-mode-esque mode or let people choose additional modifiers for missions they want beforehand.
You mean like normal dogs and multiple trappers already do? It could be simply set up such that the director doesn’t spawn such dog waves when there is only 1 players remaining.
I seek death in hard games. Shocktroops is basically un-clutchable unless you have two people due to the spawn rate and lots of people want permanent access to it.
Don’t do that. This oversimplifying things. Dealing with two trappers, a dog and a mutant is radically different compared to dealing with four dogs due to the former exhibiting a variety in behavioral patters and a lower amount of jank on average compared to the latter.
Don’t get me wrong is might fix the niche case I mentioned of having to clutch, but I still don’t wanna have those appear randomly in vanilla missions. They are boring. There is one way to deal with them, it is always cheesy and they break down the mechanical and decision-making complexity entirely.
So do I, I just like difficulty to feel good.
That is true, but you still have to threat-prioritize here and that need for decision making makes STG feel hard, fair and not cheesy at the same time.
Honestly I would never be in favor of making any of these special conditions part of vanilla maps no matter lo or hi in. Let me pick my missions and modifiers I want, but stop forcing random bs onto other people.
And it is back to hounds now. Wtf, FatShark intern.
yeah lmao. hopefully they will put shock troop since they had a word ‘‘gauntlet’’ in these darkness mission that didn’t do anything, though it would suck if its together with darkness
→ Enters office
→ Adds condition Hunting Grounds to mission board rotation
→ “Shock troops >>>>>>> hounds”
→ Replace it with Lights Out
→ “shock troop gauntlet […] just please let us play it”
→ Goes back to Hunting Grounds again
→ Refuses to elaborate
→ Leaves for Easter Weekend
Sorry guys, but your based Lord Fatshark Intern has spoken.
Eh, Shock Troops Gauntlet isn’t the be all, end all condition. It is mostly pro players/sweaty tryhards who think that. It doesn’t always have to be Shock Troops Gauntlet.
Otherwise, yeah, spot on.
Edit: I prefer snipers and pox hounds because they create unique situations, while Shock Troops equals “more grut dumped on me”. Of course, any condition will get boring when repeated over five days.
Eh, Shock Troops Gauntlet isn’t the be all, end all condition. It is mostly pro players/sweaty tryhards who think that. It doesn’t always have to be Shock Troops Gauntlet.
Edit: I prefer snipers and pox hounds because they create unique situations, while Shock Troops equals “more grut dumped on me”. Of course, any condition will get boring when repeated over five days.