Issue Type (Required):
Issue Description (Required):
Heavy hitter perk, that supposedly should recharge on both light and heavy attack: only works with light attack when using a Branx pickaxe.
It should stack or recharge on both light and heavy attack unless I am missing something. This means you cannot use heavy attacks with heavy hitter,
as heavy hitter will not stack, or give you the modifier.
Steps to Reproduce (Required):
Use branx pickaxe; with heavy hitter; with perk that makes it recharge with light attack.
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Heavy attacks increase the duration and stack count of the heavy hitter buff, light attacks when taking brutish momentum do not increase stack count and only increase the duration.
Do you have video? Using a Branx in the psykanium shows me that it is stacking refreshing the 5th stack’s duration on both light and heavy attacks.
so far i’ve been consistently able to not see buff proc only after(PickAxe) push attack followed by heavy then you have to disengage for a while before it will start reproccing.
Also Veteran shout looks like with damage buff will nullify heavy procing for duration of its buff.
(tested with cleaver)
bug not happening on ship only in match