Branx Pickaxe

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Issue Description (Required):

a couple of the moves seem to be bugged /non functional.

Steps to Reproduce (Required):

Block into push attack (does the face poke) hold into follow up bugs out , it does a repeat of the face smash but off to the left and this attack doesn’t hit anything its like a ghost strike and just looks like its broken.

weapon special attack hold to go into a heavy . then you can enter what i believe is a loop of light > heavy. the light attack has truly funky (late) timing triggers an animation that is not used by a light attack the weapon has and when missed slightly bugs out warping into a different swings recovery arc.
my guess would be the loop is intended but the light attack data is all wrong.

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No, I don’t use mods

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Constant (100%)

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PC - Steam

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Just finished playing Auric Damnation with all 3 Pickaxes.
Branx is the worst by far.
Someone at Fatshark just needs to try and rotate between lights, heavies and push attacks. It’s literally unplayable. No need for further debate. Just let a QA tester who’s actually playing the game try it and you should be able to tell it feels clunky broken non-responding and unpredictable

If you need to talk to someone about Pickaxes I’d recommend @Hank_jw as he is one of the selected players that influenced it during its development. I believe he also has a video about each pickaxe showing off its pros and cons.

Correct. Copying what I said elsewhere:

"It was playtested in Auric Damnation, and I don’t share in your experience aside from the overly long and difficult to read chain time from H2 into the unique L4 followup. It’s easy for that input to be dropped if you do it too early. If you know the timing, you can consistently chain from push attack into H2 into L4 into H2 into L4 → repeat ad infinitum for hordeclear.

I’m not opposed to cleaning up that chain time to make it easier to do the followup input, though!"


talk about what? is he gonna try to convince me that it is intended to not be able to do heavy/light/push rotations?
My understanding is that they tried to make the rotations feel a bit like Krouk 4 (Push attack into heavy 2 for AoE / Heavy 1 into Light for ST) just slower but the timings are completely off.

just to make it clear in case it’s not clear enough.
I don’t care about the stats.
I don’t care about the attack pattern.
The feeling of this weapon is completely off. You constantly feel like it’s bugged or something. Sometimes you feel like the inputs from your mouse are not registered. There’s not even an animation to make you feel like “ah ok its just a slow weapon, my ogryn is swinging it right now”. No, you just look at your character hold his weapon down while you are dodging enemies trying to figure out why your inputs are not working at all.

bro, first of all, nothing against you, i know nothing about you so obviously i have no reasons to hate and stuff.
with that out of the way, from what I gather you kind of imply that it’s an intended design to have to sometimes wait before you press a button and if you press it too early then you are “punished” for “ruining” the “intended rotation” and you have to start over.
Sorry but that’s not a good or fun player experience. The whole concept of the game is “think fast and act faster” and now we’re actually trying to debate wether or not we should have movesets with hidden internal cooldowns? can’t sell me this argument. respectfully.


what about the strange move after the weapon special (branx) as far as i can see it is repeating the face poke but its off to the side and has no hit data. is that working as intended?

Gee, exaggerating much? I seem to do just fine in Auric with it. Yes the weapon has a bit of jank to it and some blessing simply do nothing atm, but let’s not blow things out of proportion. Also it is my belief that this weapon in particular is the result of people asking for very hard hitting weapons that are unwieldy. And this thing fits that profile. I personally love it and I’ve done great with it.

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