Gunners' sprint speed

I feel like I need to say this again and really hammer it home : why do gunners sprint at the speed of light ? Why do the designers at FS think that it’s necessary for them to be able to run faster than our best sprint speed ?

Tune that sh!t up. Nobody likes enemies that run away from you in a horde shooter.


if your only weapon was a gun and your enemy was running at you with a devastating melee weapon you would run away to better cover too.

imagine that. smart enemies. maybe even smarter then you it seems.

lmao I’m not saying they shouldn’t be allowed to run away. My problem is that they have zero weight to them. They don’t have any acceleration, can instantly turn around, immediately reach top speed with zero animation, and that top speed is almost faster than the zealot’s dash.

Also “maybe smarter than you it seems” ? You must do nombers on Twitter. I’m so devastated, I’ll never post here again. You are such a smart cookie obviously :clown_face:

There’s 25 feet between myself and the Melee Scabs, and Poxwalkers. Plenty of space to turn and sprint away to get some breathing room.

Scabs and Poxwalkers >>>

Me with a 25 foot headstart, full stamina, and a knife>>>

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