Fix this crap; for the love of god

Why exactly should anyone be subject to buggy and disappointing trash like this? Especially if it’s happened more than once to almost every player on this game.

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Pushes on poxbursters can be buggy as hell depending on network connectivity and server lag.

However, in the example you just shared, you are out of stamina, which is the reason your push did not connect.

Edit: my bad, stamina is indeed enough

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Yeah these days unless it’s a last ditch I tend to dump ranged ammo into them. I can’t trust that the push is actually going to work due to the server being funny and it’s one enemy that poses the most overall risk to the team hp pool.

Not that many frames in that video, are you sure you didn’t sprint forward and lost stamina required for a push just before the push itself? That looked a bit close in the video.

You can clearly see stamina go from 25% to 0% immediately. Must you be so contrarian?

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you basicly all right

1 it was probably too far
2 you need stamina dont sprint into it holy

my bad; here’s some better video to display aswell

check the above post.

mr.keyboard was actually defending the notion that you indeed made a push. His response was to Jan, who was saying that there wasn’t enough stamina for a push, even though you could clearly see in the video that stamina was regenerating and a push was performed. The game wouldn’t let you perform a push if you don’t have stamina to do so.


Keep in mind stagger resistance is an actual thing in the game. That means you shotting that bolter gave it stagger resistance, which meant that you couldn’t push it. While this is indeed really stupid it is in-fact a mechanic.


^ Vid another person that made a complaint about the same thing. Would this pox burster somehow have that stagger res you’re talking about? I really do feel this is a game bug

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The other day I saw Poxbursters just walk through sustained Flamethrower fire.
At this point I believe they must have had their stagger resistance increased or it’s some bug related to that.

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Ye thats an actual issue with the pox-bursters. They sometimes stop seeing you as existing. Theres no question that pox bursters do have a few issues but what is the issue will vary from case to case.

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thunderhammer has enough stagger on its push to send a burster pretty far. Just a simple shove and a dodge back even when it’s flying at you should be enough. Other weapons need to mix-max the push and dodge distance. Tac axes can actually double-special them quickly if they’re too close.

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1 video - Wrong push timing for me and you dont hit him with this.

2 video - never do this on stairs, is “bugged” like dog what often do instant jump on stairs

I understand the problem because it often happens to me too, but these examples video are very bad

he was definitely in range of the burster for a push in the first vid. Go into the psyk with the creature spawner mod and try it yourself a bit.

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Every melee weapon can do what u described without any additional dances with a tambourine, it is network issue that some pushes do not connect, happened to me a few times, but just a few, since i have very stable connection at all times.

And like I said in my reply to Maz, you can see for yourself doing some testing in the psyk. Thunderhammer sends them a bit further back than something like a tac axe or a power sword.

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For the people saying that OP did something wrong in his videos:

first video: The timing for the push was correct! You can even see the little hitmarkers around his crosshair. So it was absolutely a game bug/issue.

second video: The push timing was absolutely perfect! The push connects in this example, too. Again, you can see the hit indicator around the crosshair. If in fact it doesn’t work because there was stairs around, that’s a bug!

My conclusion: Both videos OP posted show nicely how to correctly perform a push on a poxwalker. Both also show that there’s a bug with them being unpushable. It’s out of the question that the poxwalker had stagger resistance - it did not.

Poxwalkers be funny like that


Ok, so I did some testing, and it happens consistently when you have less than 25% stamina. More than 25% a shove still works normally.

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