I enjoy the gameplay, the combat in this game is great. But to be completely honest that is basically the only thing that is good with the game.
The talents are fine, nothing special but I have nothing against it.
The loot, properties & traits on the other hand is really frustrating in my opinion.
First of all there is no point in thinking about gear until you only loot 300 power gear and have orange gear.
Second, when you have 300 power & orange gear, I do not see any point in touching the properties. The exception is to roll so you have 2 Stamina on gear that can get that and curse resistance. Trying to re-roll other properties is just a waist of time.
First when you get your hands on red gear is it time to roll for properties you want. But even then it can take time and it literally feels like a waist of time. I’m standing here re-rolling properties instead of having fun smashing rats, northmen & beastmen heads.
It feels like the developers do not know what they want with the game. They added cataclysm and said that it is for people that like a challenge so no extra chance for better loot. I get that, that is why I like vermintide.
So why have a system with loot boxen, random properties, random traits & random re-roll system?
Fatshark have said that they want to make a game about challenge but have in my opinion not designed a gear system for that.
Challenge mean that you will fail over and over again but that means you get no loot what so ever and you need loot so you have a chance to get red gear, so you can get properties you want.
The game is on one hand telling me vermintide is a game about challenges but the other hand it’s telling me to play on veteran so I get loot.
I honestly do not understand how they thought it was a good idea. It feels more like they did not have any clue about how they wanted to design the gear system so they just copied what big games have, loot boxes.
On top of that they added random properties as if it was a mmo so you have to grind gear so you get properties you want. It is so wired.
The map dlc’s are fine I like them. But Winds of Magic is such a weird one.
They literally split up the new game mod into 100+ (can remember how many weaves there are) of queues with no reason to do the same weaves again.
With every other dlc Fatshark have made sure that they do not split the playerbase, so if the host own a dlc others can play the maps too.
In Winds of magic they turned 180 and split the playerbase into 100+ different groups… Why?
It is so weird.
The way gear works in weaves are great btw. I wish they scrap the loot box system and used that system instead.
Deeds are also weird, why do you need to get them randomly from loot boxes? Why not just let us add and combined deeds however we want to make the game more challenging?
The challenge system is something that is a good idea but most of them give loot boxes which is not that interesting. Chałlenges that give skins, frames & weapons are great. I wish more of that.
VS mod is something that is coming and that can be amazing. I really hope that Fatshark will add challenges for playing as the non-heroes that gives you skins and frames.
I’m a bit worried also because this means that the playerbase will be split up even more, unless weaves are completely abandoned.
Also balancing might be a huge problem that could kill VS as quickly as weaves died out.
I have not followed any information about VS, I only know that it will come. I hope it will be good.
They have nailed the combat in the game so I will always come back to Vermintide. But I feel that they do not have a good redline they are following.
Fatshark have mentioned that they want to make a challenging game more then ones. My opinion is that they are stepping to far outside that core idea. I do not have solutions to everything and maybe it is to much work to change the loot system and it’s something I have to live with until vermintide 3.
I have red items on all characters now so I don’t have to think about loot any more, thankfully.
But if Vermintide 3 comes one day and the loot system with loot boxes, random properties & random re-rolls are still a thing. I will mostly likely not buy the game because I feel so strongly about it. I did not like it in Vermintide 1 and they even managed to make it worse in the second game.
It has been a long post and I will end it with a list of things I would like to see in the game or the third game.
- More maps
- More enemy factions like Greenskins, Vampire Counts/Coats, Deamons, Lizardmen, etc.
- More skins, frames, art, statues and banners that you unlock by completing challenges.
- Remove loot boxes and random properties. Instead have a system like the one in weaves.
- Unlock weapons by completing challenges, like reach a specific level with a character or get X head shots, etc.
- Deeds are not looted, instead you can just add deeds in the lobby to make the game more challenging.
- More classes and heroes. Elven Mage, Rune Lord, Warrior Priest, etc.