Okay to start off with, i have to say that its a great game with a great future, if the devs care at all. Maps to be made, more characters and enemies to add, as Warhammer is an immense universe.
Game is fun, addictive and a blast to play. i love it.
why on earth did you decide to release it in its current form? Beta testing is to weed out the bugs and this game has countless upon endless bugs, that seemingly pop up out of nowhere.
Devs… are you playing this yourselves or just derping around in theeditor running scripts?
a single playthrough will net countless bugs that you can feel for youself. Not to mention odd crash-to-windows, instadeath at random moments. getting stuck in graphics. falling through levels. bosses stuck in animation. levels not proccing scripts to advance, so you are infinitely stuck. the fact that you cant enhance items in crafting if u are wearing them or if u unequip them UNLESS you have something else in your inventory. This is at a mere 30 hours of playing.
Is Fatshark that greedy to push such an unfinished game or did your publisher threaten to you if you didnt?
Currently this game feels AND plays like an early beta with countless hours of bugfixing and hotfixing ahead of it…
Truly like the game, but come on… really???
Do you have balls to comment? please do…
A disgruntled fan…
Is Fatshark that greedy to push such an unfinished game or did your publisher threaten to buttfuck you if you didnt?
Fatshark is an independent studio so you kind of just outed yourself as ignorant.
You started off sort of constructive and then just went off the deep end.
Are you trying to give feedback or pick a fight? What a ridiculous post.
Sorry to hear about the issues you’re having. We have had daily tests in the office involving our developers during the weeks leading up to the tests, beta, release and post-release. Our game is self-published by a small indie studio with very hard-working and dedicated developers working late into the night to bring you the best game possible. Vermintide 2 has been a huge success so far and we are still learning how to cope with the massive launch we are going through at this time.
You can rest assured in the fact that we are working tirelessly to solve all the bugs and issues you’re experiencing with the game and have currently dedicated all our resources to this end. It is our highest ambition to bring you the best game possible, as soon as possible.
Again, we are very truly sorry that you are experiencing these issues. We’re working on it. I promise.
Best regards,
So they released it in their own time, at their own pace in the knowledge that the game is so flawed…
yeah i want to pick a fight. Its 2018 and developers seem to give 2 sharts about games and their customers. That goes for almost all developers and publishers in the business…
They made a great game here… they KNOWINGLY released it full of shartup, when they could have kept it at beta stage to weed out the problems.
yeah im really curious to know why such a poor decision was made. People have paid money for something and are getting something thats rusty instead of polished. to me thats actually an asshole move. like going to a restaurant, ordering a nice soup and getting something from a can, poorly heated in a microwave.
so why? why release it now? full of bugs and crashes?
Nice to know Hanna, thanks for the reply.
So why a full release so early? its puzzling because, as you say, its a great success.
why push it over the edge for everyone to see, when it should be on the operating table still?
Best regards to the team
An impatient fan…
Clearly off-topic , but forgive me. We still haven’t gotten any confirmation, if you look into the issue where Sienna still faces the slowdown, even after spending all her overcharge with the lvl 25 talent. That’s a big one for us.
Kind regards
Yes, Fatshark, the company who charges less than full price for their games, has no in-game purchases, has free DLC’s and dirt cheap DLC’s, and created this forum solely to hear from their customers, are greedy assholes… /s
Every game has issues at launch. When you go from hundreds of players to tens of thousands of players, more bugs get uncovered. More crashes happen because more and different hardware is being used.
My opinion? This is a perfectly playable release build. I’ve had almost no crashes, and the bugs I’ve encountered are hardly game-breaking if even minor inconveniences.
Try to realize that it hasn’t even been a week yet since launch. They will patch. Calm yourself and be a productive and helpful member of the community instead of toxic annoyance. The more bugs you actually report, the more they will fix. Posts like these are just inflammatory and emotional.
Those are blatant excuses. If you decide to release a game fully 1.0, the gameshould be fully ready. Not riddled with bugs and crashes.
listen if there were a few minor mishaps of hovering graphics, a stray ai every once in a while and some odd contigency errors, then fine, its patchable. But the overwhelming amount of bugs reported here and experienced in game is just fatal.
You can excuse them for all the good they may do with pricing and dlc´s but that does not change the fact that releasing a game this bugged is a full on crash into a wall for no reason.
On principle you dont release an unfinished game when you KNOW its unfinished.
Thats what i have an issue with and thats why im bugging the devs. They made a mistake, i want them to own up to it. I wouldnt have had a care in the world IF this was still in the beta, BUT they CHOSE to release it.
In ANY business you cant expect people to be happy if you sell them a product or service that YOU yourself know is not up to standard. That goes for EVRYONE and EVERY business in the world.
Take pride in your work, whatever you do, and own up to your mistakes when you make them.
You can rest assured in the fact that we are working tirelessly to solve all the bugs and issues you’re experiencing with the game and have currently dedicated all our resources to this end. It is our highest ambition to bring you the best game possible, as soon as possible.
Again, we are very truly sorry that you are experiencing these issues. We’re working on it. I promise.
Not sure what part of that you missed.
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Well me and my friends are lucky then because we encountered very few bugs and only I crashed once. We are played 40is hours.
What are the bugs you’ve found?
I’ve got 45 hours in game 2 and have barely found any…
Did you even play Vermintide 1 at launch? Maybe people have forgotten just how MUCH that game changed over its lifetime.
If you don’t like it now, stop playing for 3 months and come back to it. I have no doubt it will be radically different.
Maybe you should have a look at your system first. Ive had 1 crash, saw a mob get stuck in the environment ONCE and experieced 1 ‘dragged to the shadowy abyss through world geometry’ bug in 110h of playing (thats beta + launch combined). This is by no means something Id bitch about.
If it’s anything like the first Vermintide’s launch, the devs will have everything mostly fixed within a couple of months. They aren’t like present-day Bungie who will wait literally six months just to fix one issue of the hundreds that the community tells them about daily.
cough You’re not a fan cough
Fatshark is not your average big company like Blizzard. They don’t have the same money and definitely not the same amount of people working on it. They still managed to make a great game and every game-breaking thing is fixed with release. Everything else is just a matter of weeks, maybe a month. I bet you didn’t play VT1, as it was the same with that. We love Fatshark and want to support them and their ways, even if they’re not “perfect”. They have so much passion for their games and I bet they’re proud of them, they really can and should be.