I agree. I don’t like stoicism at all. Also, if you take stam regen, you don’t need it on your trinket really. That allows you to run CDR and Crit. So imo, stam regen is the best offensive talent on that row. And you get the 30% block/push angle as an added bonus.
Edit: Or if you’re running a stagger/support build you could obviously just run 60% stam regen.
You could keep the movement speed AND give him like a smaller 10% attack speed buff. Honestly though I’d rather most careers get toned down a bit in various ways rather than buffed.
I agree the game is too easy. I do like having interesting and powerful toolkits though. I think the better option is just to make the game harder rather than making characters weaker.
No no, don’t you understand? Every career must be as strong as WHC and Shade, otherwise the game requires teamwork and a good sense of positioning, which makes it totally unplayable.
There comes a point when you could have skavenslaves oneshot you and you’d still win just by abusing meta builds. Stagger alone is a huge part of what makes the game easy, just the sheer number of options you have to crowd control dozens of enemies, stuff like shouts, charges, shields, billhook.
Compare the game in 1.6 to 2.0, game itself got harder with mechanics like dodge changed (and rightfully so), but it got completely balanced out by just how extremely powerful all the careers got. BH got double-shotted, but now with 80% cooldown, letting him delete bosses in seconds with a concentration potion. Mercenary got tankier, killier and got even more insane with his support abilities (why on earth does a SHOUT grant everyone in the team better damage reduction than Gromril armour?). Zealot, which used to be the main overpowered career (simply because Legend was the highest official difficulty, and even with Deathwish Onslaught it was a lot easier than what we can access now), and yet he got buffed in the 2.0 update, stronger than he used to be, and yet now he’s worse than most other careers.
I mean honestly how much harder can you make the game? Increase special cap to 10? More and higher difficulties? 100 enemies on screen butchering your FPS? 2 monsters spawn at the same time, and they oneshot you? There comes a point when there’s so much stuff on your screen, that the game itself starts to break, with specials acting weirdly, audio cues getting skipped, enemies floating around, or that so many enemies spawn that they start despawning. I’d rather make the game harder and nerf overperforming careers like Mercenary, WHC, Shade etc. I don’t like how CW’s get oneshotted everywhere, I don’t like how weak most enemies are, how easy it is to stagger most enemies and so on.
In a sense. The game also got easier in a sense with the introduction of the flinch mechanic and the change to the slot system. Hyperdensity happens rarely, if ever now. It used to be a common occurrence. Also, even in legend, there were weapons which didn’t stagger infantry mobs on hit. Now every infantry mob gets staggered if it takes any damage from any source. Hordes are much easier to control as a result. There are a lot of changes that could be made to reintroduce difficulty without increasing damage scaling. Increasing stagger resistance and getting rid of the flinch mechanic is definitely a place to start. Also you can increase HP pools. Special BP’s are an actual joke in Cata. And elites too, tbh.
And I definitely agree that there are some aspects of classes that are stronger now than they are in 1.6, but not to the extent you would think. For example, Merc was probably better in 1.6 than he is now. Blunder merc was INSANE and although inspirational wasn’t as good as the DR, it was pretty close. Also, don’t forget WHC gave everyone 3 thp on taggable enemy kill. That was probably the most busted talent in 1.6 or in the current iteration. THP was much better then than it is now, too. BH certainly got buffed, but even now it’s really not that great. And I’ve honestly seen very few BH’s delete bosses like people talk about on the forums. It’s substantially harder than people make it out to be. Although it is really powerful when they pull it off.
Removing flinching on infantry and head shot flinching on elites would be a nerf to low stagger careers, like Bounty Hunter/WHC. It would make careers like Boot Knight a bit stronger overall.
Most bosses have massive craniums. It’s only difficult if it’s during a mixed horde and not a single person is willing to cc for you once every 2 seconds. Happens often in qp, but the lack of aim punch the ult gets + BH’s damage reduction makes it fairly consistent. I don’t see it as often anymore, but that may be because it was popular for a while, and people got bored of it/realised how absurd WHC is.
There’s no way WHC needs to be capable of killing 16 elites with an ult that knocks things back, which is independent of enemy health.
I agree with some minor nerfs as you were saying. Fervency definitely needs to be looked at. It’s disgusting. Also shade probably still needs to have bloodfletcher removed. Stuff like that on the very strongest careers. Also, I think the proc passive on zealot should be in the same row as castigate as a talent. That way you have to make some kind of choice between kill power and survivability.
I definitely agree in this aspect. There are several ways to make the game harder in a smart way, without straight adding higher difficulties and drowning players in more and more enemies. Spreading enemies out is one way to do it, often times you’ll have hordes come at you in a straight, clumped up line, which makes them very easy to deal with, whether it be crowd control or a blunderbuss shot from Huntsman. If you’ve seen the cinematic V2 trailer, I think it’d be ideal if enemies came at you in a big, spread out formation. Another way is to make stagger changes, since most enemies get staggered very easily by most weapons, especially due to the flinch mechanic. 1h sword can flinch chaos warriors and most elites, flaming flail staggers everything in an AoE with heavy attacks, billhook completely negating chaos warriors with just a cheeky little pull (like, how does that even make sense?), flaming sword having great stagger, good horde clear and absolutely ludicrous tHP generation with stagger (highest in the game even?).
Stagger in general is too easy, there’s so many sources of it, and it prevents enemies from doing anything like moving, repositioning, surrounding you, or even getting any attacks off at all. It also really invalidates elites, stormvermin don’t feel special, maulers don’t feel special, and neither do chaos warriors. Often, they feel just like tHP packets.
And yeah, special breakpoints are honestly a joke. A lot of breakpoints are a joke actually. In Legend, you can comfortably reach 1 shot bodyshot for stormvermin with crossbow. You literally kill them like they’re clanrats, and considering how comparatively few of them there are in Legend, it just completely invalidates them. Like, what’s the point of headshots then? It just doesn’t feel good to be able to kill like 15 stormvermin (an entire patrols worth) in 10 seconds by just spamming your crossbow into them, without even thinking about anything. Same with specials, straight up to Cataclysm you can oneshot a lot of specials like warpfire throwers and ratling gunners. Weapons like the repeater handgun or brace of pistols and take out like 5 specials in one mag, and then get like half of those bullets back with scrounger, and go through the entire map needing like maybe one ammunition stash.
Eh, I doubt it. Mercenary overall gets more damage reduction, and more power increases then he used to. The More the Merrier used to give only 15% max power, now it’s 25%. Before, he had to choose between Strike Together, Blade Barrier and Reikland Reaper, how he can take 2 of those instead of just picking one of them. I personally would count as WiO better than Inspirational by a fair margin, although I do agree Inspirational was also really strong. And overall just got better talents than before. Him being insane with blunderbuss had more to do with blunderbuss being overpowered, rather than it synergizing with Mercenary. I mean, it had more cleave, more damage, more armor piercing, and it had infinite ammo with all careers, back in the day when hordes were like 1/3 the size of modern Cataclysm hordes. Yeah, that right there was busted. Overall Mercenary gets more damage reduction, more power, still all of his strengths, but just overall better. Mercenary was already strong then, but then he got buffed even more.
Oh yeah, definitely. But then WHC became more insane as a frontline blender career, with better defensive choices and offensive choices. Just the 40% CDR alone is pretty insane, not to mention it gives everyone in the party 25 crit chance, and you still obviously oneshot enemies with crit headshots.
The only notable change I can remember is that tHP decay is much faster than it used to be, which honestly is pointless in Cataclysm. Hordes are big enough where you can actually farm up to full tHP, and in general you’ll be in combat most of the time to stop decay. And this gets even more useless in Onslaught. But it did affect Legend and below quite heavily.
Yeah, he’s not a tard wrangling career, but that doesn’t mean that some of his abilities aren’t insane. I don’t think bosses should get deleted like that by any career. And to give my own example, I did a C3O run on Into the Nest, where me as Unchained, an Ironbreaker and Mercenary held off the waves while BH just straight up soloed Skarrik (which isn’t particularily impressive, lol, but it is on C3) and killed in under a minutes by just kiting back and demolishing him.
Blessed Blade only makes you vulnerable and exposed, if you take the second attack talent. And that one is really powerful vs Monsters/Lords, so having some drawback is reasonable.
On Cata you can oneshot bodyshot CW with it, or oneshot bodyshot several SV, which normal critic doesn’t do. It also works vs bosses, effectively doubling ulti damage (if you attack them at low health).
Virtue of Heroism makes sense if you use Bretonnian Longsword vs hordes and Exe sword vs elites. Because you are using heavy attacks all the time, and that is more powerful vs monsters/lords or to achieve some oneshot breakpoints. Though i agree Virtue of the Ideal is better.
Virtue of discipline - it’s not USELESS. As a host, or with good ping as a client, you have about 1-2 seconds before the attack to get the +20% raw power bonus, which is a lot. Problem is, riposte seems to be bugged - sometimes you press heavy attack and get hit anyway. Seems to me it should work same as normal block, protecting you the moment you start heavy attack animation. Or maybe just give 20% on heavy attack block, instead of timed block?
Virtue of Stoicism is GREAT. You can eat CW overhead, then kill it and you get all hp back. It basically is 50% damage reduction on any attack, if you don’t get hit second time. I always take that talent.
Virtue of the Impetous made it possible to speedrun 100 maps to get the challenge. ^^
It has crazy synergy with Bretonnian longsword heavy attack, multiplying movement speed. I guess it could fit the greathammer, if GK had any talent improving attack speed. Or allowing you for some great dodge dance with Bretonnian longsword, but that needs REALLY high skills to do perfectly on legend/cata.
I mean, this has always existed. Legend has been way too easy for a long time. That’s really a product of the player base developing skill rather than game design.
100% agree. There was small synergy because of merc’s bonus attack speed and crit chance for blunder bashing, but mostly it was just that blunderbuss was nuts. Merc’s toolkit is better now. But I’d still take old blunder merc over current merc any day of the weak. He was basically bluntsman with merc ult and solid melee lol.
For me, this really isn’t about difficulty as much as it is class. It hits careers that struggle with THP regen really hard. (RV with anything other than shield or DH or Bounty Hunter with anything, etc.). It’s also a noticeable difference on pyro. Even though she has good thp regen, it has a pretty strong effect on your ranged spam uptime. I’ve noticed fireball pyro (which was my main) being considerably weaker in DWONS since the thp change.
Speaking of things that need buffed, Skarrik needs a ton of love. I’m not even sure he’s the toughest stormvermin I’ve fought in this game.
I am sorry for your loss. Sending prayers your way.
Blessed Blade has a long wind up, and after finishing the attack you are not able to block for nearly a second. Especially the later will get you damaged alot
Killing Cata CWs is hardly a novelty
Hoard clearing combo for Longsword is Heavy into Light loop. Heavy spam will just get you suboptimal angles.
Virtue of Discipline is absolutely useless compared to 33% Stamina Recovery, especially since lots of Krubers weapons have a desirable push attack
Virtue of Stoicism is actual garbage. If you get hit by a lone CW noone can help you. If you get hit by a CW in a wave there is no chance of getting that thp back since there is gas, stormers, arrows, rattlings, monster aoes, and all other sorts of nonsense that will reset the CD, like dodging a hookrat, or no damage push attacks.
Impetuous is a gimmick, that kills Boss DPS and Wave burst at the same time.
You never know when you’ll get this reward. So you can’t plan BP’s around that if it even gives any. You can plan builds around WHC tag if you have a WHC and get a lot of 1 shot BPs.
You never know when you’ll get this reward. So you can’t plan BP’s around that if it even gives any. You can plan builds around WHC tag if you have a WHC and get a lot of 1 shot BPs.
That wasn’t what my original post was about at all, but okey.
Secondly, you literally can. Just restart the mission.
I’ll help you out in case you missed it. It was the previous reply btw.
You never know when you’ll get this reward. So you can’t plan BP’s around that if it even gives any. You can plan builds around WHC tag if you have a WHC and get a lot of 1 shot BPs.