Happy New year everyone.
They got you to play past the refund point in the beta, and that was the intent of the entire game.
The whole thing is an abusive gaslight.
I never see any toxic people in this game or v2 and I have 6k hours combined.
All I see are threads from a handful of people who say every single game they play in has 3 toxic people in it, and historically it was that we need to remove the scoreboards from V2 to stop these toxic trolls, but that was done for dark tide and still toxic people are everywhere according to some forum posters.
If you are the only person in every game who has problems with every other player, maybe you are not built for multi-player games, maybe everyone else isn’t the problem, just a thought. Maybe removing chat, banning people, reports, removing scoreboards, and mute functions will never be enough?
Scoreboard removal failed to eliminate all these masses of toxic people, I still read about how toxic all the players are in this game and how we need more punishment, yet I personally have only 2 people on block that I know of in 6k hours in fatshark games.
For more punishment we have calls that now we need to ban them, mute them, we really shouldn’t stop there! IRL punishment would be preferable, and to be clear this last part is my sarcasm but it would not shock me to see calls for IRL punishment, maybe jail time if they don’t like you in game, nothing shocks me anymore.
Removal of the scoreboard is really so that you can’t enjoy testing different builds to see how they stack up.
There never was a toxic player base in this game, and IF there was there is no reason, I can’t see my own stats, other than to deny my Autistic mind the joy I would have from testing different weapons.
You can pretend that I would be toxic if I saw other players stats, but that’s also just a gaslight.
This is the least toxic game in the modern world. No one cares about other people’s stats. I only need to see my stats, and why can’t I?
The reason is, they don’t want you to stick around, and take up bandwidth, so they are making the end game as toxic as possible, while gaslighting you all that you are toxic if you even bother to complain.
This is the same reason the crafting is so infinite, that is working as intended, to push you off from playing and using server bandwidth, and also to promote the use of real money to buy cool skins as that is the only thing left to do when you can’t craft what you want.
They got your money, no refunds, and since it’s working as intended no plan to fix anything any time soon.
Stay safe tonight, and don’t have false hope that fatshark is listening to you and is going to fix this before next year, vermintide 2 was in better shape at launch and it still took them a year to fix crafting that was 10,000 times better than this.