Hey guys I’ve bought the game a couple of days ago and I’ve been loving so far. I’ve played around 20 hours or so. But I get a crash every 1 to 3 games mid round which kinda sucks. Is has surely happened around 10 times or more
So when I’m playing a game the screen freezes and the sound continues for a while but then also freezes. After a bit the game stops and I get a crash support which is never the same. I didn’t start copying the crash reports up till now. so this is the only one I’ve got but it’s always a different GUID
GUID: ea28bf81-db71-43e0-9bfa-b1769daa9414
Log File:
Info Type:
I’ve tried al the standard things you find whenever you google this issue.
Change your worker cores ( I tried 1 till 6), Remove the anticheat program and reinstall it, reinstall the game , verify the steam files. Update my drivers, put on a fps lock, Lower the settings etc.
I’m at a total loss here. I would love to play the game more.
Hope to hear from you soon!