Crashes, all the crashes, deadlock crashes. So many crashes of various types I've forgotten which was the most prevalent

Issue Type (Required):

Crash - During Play

Issue Description (Required):

I get crashes super sporadically. Sometimes in the Mourningstar, sometimes in transport, sometimes within a few seconds of the match starting. The only truly consistent thing is that it will crash at some point, before or during a match.
I’ve removed and updated my drivers more than once now, had steam verify all the files a handful of times.
Tried changing the deadlock timeout to 60 seconds in user_settings.config
I also have FSR off.
At my wits end.
Also first time on the forum, hoping this is the right place to post this.

GUID: 79610fca-9923-4109-9a33-c4d181cc706e
Log File:
Info Type:
[Engine Error]: Deadlock detected. Update was not called for 16.1 seconds. You need to supply a crash dump or a crashify link in the report since the callstack for this crash is irrelevant.

[PC] Do You Use Mods? (Optional):

No, I don’t use mods

Reproduction Rate (Required):

Constant (100%)

Platform (Required):

PC - Steam

Player ID (Optional):

87 Octane

I’ve shared this with our Engine Developers and I’ll let you know as soon as I hear back.


Any thoughts from the dev team??

I just wanna play :sob:

do you have a more recent guid/crashify link?

it has the format as above 79610fca-9923-4109-9a33-c4d181cc706e

Not sure why i cant find your guid in the database

1 Like

Here’s some of mine from just a few days of playing on steam.

GUID: b4383420-5214-4634-a886-6bbb11962ae1
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/managers/ui/ui_widget.lua:555: attempt to call local ‘widget’ (a table value)

GUID: dd06a7cc-89aa-47e3-8d31-89f02df82c3a
Log File:
Info Type:

[Engine Error]: Access violation (0xc0000005) in build e73a45d5959dfc1c13e401cd6c1ddaa731f841e1
accessing address 0000000000000004 from 00007FF72F26FC60

GUID: 7935c910-ce95-4840-ac63-1d7b21bbe358
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/managers/ui/ui_widget.lua:580: attempt to call local ‘widget’ (a table value)

GUID: 32366552-9d5c-43a9-a24b-87f144fcfe3c
Log File:
Info Type:

[Engine Error]: Access violation (0xc0000005) in build e73a45d5959dfc1c13e401cd6c1ddaa731f841e1
accessing address 0000000000000000 from 0000000000000000

GUID: 6aa4027b-c169-4f69-b1bf-28fefb533cf9
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/managers/ui/ui_renderer.lua:344: attempt to call local ‘self’ (a table value)

GUID: 3dfcad68-abd8-4d39-b405-767dc404e3b7
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/managers/ui/ui_widget.lua:555: attempt to call local ‘widget’ (a table value)

GUID: 76834166-9b7c-4a46-9316-18a615e0da83
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/managers/ui/ui_widget.lua:541: attempt to perform arithmetic on local ‘pass_pos_z’ (a table value)

GUID: 863cfab6-f28e-4ee6-94d6-ebb8a3b46239
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/managers/ui/ui_renderer.lua:101: attempt to index upvalue ‘GuiMaterialFlag’ (a number value)

GUID: 8903cb3c-8d50-44ba-988a-aebc52a4d506
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: …gers/world_level_despawn/world_level_despawn_manager.lua:157: attempt to index local ‘self’ (a number value)

GUID: 77d647ef-c07e-43d9-9a05-b0124bd965ea
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: stingray::plugin_api::unit::light failed, UnitReference is not valid.

Assertion failed unit != nullptr at D:\a\d\rel_engine_darktide\release\2024_10_23_Patch1.6.0x\runtime\application\plugin\c_api\c_api_unit.cpp:381 in function stingray::plugin_api::unit::light

GUID: ef069ffc-88c5-475b-bf80-0f5147fc7a9b
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/foundation/managers/extension/extension_manager.lua:495: attempt to call method ‘add_unit_extensions_from_script_data’ (a nil value)

GUID: b243115f-54fa-418e-9965-3ca0340b09c6
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/loading/package_synchronizer_client.lua:575: Don’t know _handle_dependency_loading for enum.

GUID: 7311eb75-e33b-41bd-9e6d-3e1aadcb1dbd
Log File:
Info Type:

[Script Error]: scripts/components/components.lua:115: attempt to call local ‘type_name’ (a string value)

I meant from OP.

You have other issues for sure. Most are script crashes that our gp team will see in the crash db.

The one engine crash i could see is in our sound engine. We are aware of it and working on a solution.