Game executable crashes when exiting game

Issue Description:

Game executable crashes when leaving the game.
Steam keeps thinking that the game is running, displaying the game in the friends panel, etc, and preventing the game from being re-launched.
Pressing Stop Game in Steam has no effect.

In order to restart the game, steam must be hard-quit and restarted.
When steam is restarted, Darktide is shown as “Out of Sync” with the Steam cloud.

I think this behaviour started after the 1.0.6 hotfix.

Steps to Reproduce:
Press escape and press Quit game


Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-11-20-18.52.12-db7c371d-7263-4479-a108-7b4be65cbf73.log (430.9 KB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (381.4 KB)

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Not only that but when this happens Steam thinks you are still playing and keeps logging your time. I’ve now played between 3 to 4 hours, but according to steam i’ve played for 45 hours

So…guess I won’t be refunding then, lol. I wasn’t planning on refunding, thankfully, but for anyone who was considering it, this bug will screw you over. They probably ought to reset the “hours played” at launch at this point

And having to hard quit every time, and then have that out of sync error is pretty annoying as well

Per the 1.0.8 update this issue no longer happens 100% of the time.

Now it generally exits gracefully, but I have had the issue happen once or twice, but not under circumstances specific enough to be helpful to reproduction.

We’re on it. Thank you!