Game Crashes before It starts

I can’t even load into the game, I don’t know if its just because of how new the beat is or what, but I meet the minimum requirements to at least RUN the game. I’ve tried reverifying the files and redownloading and still can’t get in. The game looks good and i’m trying to be optimistic but it’s a little frustrating not even being able to get in with all the settings as low as you can get.


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
[11/18/2022, 07:09AM] [EST]

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence: (Happens Every Time I try to play)

Upload Console Log:
console-2022-11-18-12.09.36-1a45cbcc-b98c-42fe-99b2-1dffc9f7ad28.log (2.4 KB)

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (152.2 KB)

I hope to hear back as soon as possible! I really would like to play the game as i’ve been looking forward to it, and I’m also hoping its just beta bugs that can be patched!

Based on what has worked for other players, please try the following -

  • Ensure you have appropriate Anti-Virus and Firewall exceptions in place for Darktide
  • Check that your Anti-Virus software is up to date

If these don’t do the trick, please try disabling your Anti-Virus software.

Let me know how it goes!

This appears exactly like my error did from last night. Your console log is the same as mine too. I tried as they suggested (for you) and still have the error repeating.

Link to my post in the hopes one is answered.

I did everything and it still doesn’t open, the only Difference was a crash report and getting a crash log, which is This.
GUID: bb60c53a-5621-47d3-a8d6-10fe0e0d269a
Log File:
Info Type:

Still optimistic and hoping for a fix!

I appreciate the info, defiantly keeping an eye on your posts too, I wanna play this game after waiting for this long lol.

Seems like a good place to chime in:
I got apparently the same issue. Except I don’t even get a console log. Or a request to write what I was doing.
The launcher log showed the EAC crash 0xC0000005 I’ve also in the OP’s log.

Starting the game directly from the Darktide.exe launches the game, but then I am unable to sign in after the intro, and the console log shows “Anti-cheat client not available”, which I think might be connected.
Also this:
15:45:58.997 error: [D3D12_RENDER_DEVICE] SL Error: '[18.11.2022 16-45-58][streamline][error]dlss_gentry.cpp:951[updateEmbeddedJSON] …” I doubt that’s causing the issue, though.

I will also try the suggested things, though my security software is windows standard - I have neither a third party firewall nor anti-virus.

Edit: Of note, I do have an nVidia card - GTX 970. Most topics with 0xC0000005 I’ve seen seem to be AMD? Then again, I didn’t actually get a popup.
Edit2: Turning off all securities features made no difference. One of the guid’s I can see in the launcher.log was 7bdb77f4-8b12-4fcd-94fa-065e08f15bd1

The launcher ensures all the components so you can’t run the exe directly

  1. Run steam as an administrator
  2. Disable your anti-virus as a test
  3. Delete teh appdata folder for darktide as outlined here

I ran Steam as an Admin, Disabled the Anti Virus and Deleted the appdata folder as instructed and I’m still unable to get in.

Sorry if this is annoying or frustrating

tiny update, I tried other solutions people gave on different forums with problems similar to mine and still haven’t been able to get in. I’m hoping its something that gets fixed soon! a little disappointed but hopeful that maybe it gets fixed sometime.

I made a post about this earlier before the patch, And After coming back later and downloading it. I’m still unable to get in.

My Original post was here Game Crashes before It starts
And I have tried everything there, on other forums with similar problems, and Retried everything post update. I can get crash logs and such again, just really want to get this fixed and actually PLAY the game.


Defiantly will be checking the forum tomorrow, but gonna tap out for today. Gonna try to redownload the game while I sleep and see if that helps, but really hoping this gets fixed Soon. Good luck to anyone else who has this problem