Future character's

:smiley: enjoy … Had nearly the same ideas… used sword master rather than the White lion, but well … had nearly the same as you and I am not battling about names. Loremaster are in my opinion a bit more magic oriented , thats why he is more intended to be a magican

Would really like to hear, what you think about the idea, more gameplay orientation rather than Lore.

The difference is that you are looking for this knowledge and are interested in it. You do not write nonsense about heroes of the orcs, goblins, etc. Some more and someone will ask for a dragon as playable character :stuck_out_tongue:

A good character assembles a good tradeoff between lore and gameplay. I think you won’t play as a rock if this would be the best tank character in a game so far, neither you would play that one guy which has a big role in the warhammer world but is next to unable to swing a sword.