Fully healed from Natural Bond

I like NB on classes that can avoid successive hits well and that can fill up on temp health easily anyways, like shield classes and Flamesword Battlemage. Boon is redundant for those since THP-generation is great anyways, and THP are a great buffer that allows you to recover without taking green damage, so you’ll have a reserve again after a lull in the fighting. Even though Barkskin is really competitive and probably a good choice as well, I find NB quite useful in low resource situations. In situations where you’re fighting non-stop (and getting THP non stop) NB might lose out, though. Even on IB, whos Gromril Armor synergises really well with Barkskin, NB can still be a good choice when Gromril Curse shoves everything away preventing follow up hits (and therefore Barkskin doing anything). On classes that avoid melee a lot to focus on shooting (and therefore losing out on THP), NB also has use.

Also, when I use NB I get left with 1 HP suprisingly often. Now I can’t say for sure since I haven’t tested, but I suspect that might happen when an HP regen tick is about to happen and you take fatal damage, the regen tick saves you. That’s a niche use for it if it’s indeed because of NB, but I can’t say for certain if it’s actually a real thing or my imagination…


NB have hidden function (aka spaghett code) when you are full healed game ‘store’ that one more hp for regen and if you get onehitted it normally would down you but then that one stored hp saves your ass


Really? So I wasn’t imgining it? Very interesting, thanks for the information.

Thats what allowed players to survive one hit from a slave rat in s1 weaves with the insane dmg scaling. I’m not sure if it’s intended or not, probably is.


In my mind you don’t need any of the traits and the only one that helps when sh*t hits the fan is barkskin. Therefore I exclusively use barkskin, unless I’m playing bw and fow.

Sorry, man, but all this sounds ridiculous imho.
As sm1 said in on of the above posts NB healing is completely useless and should not be taken for it - that’s my opinion. NB gives you 1-2 healing pots worth of healing (Most of which you’d loose btw because you’re probably full health anyways). It is by far the worst option that comes to mind.
Combat situation where you might get hit - take barkskin.
Everything else - take either more effective healing (less effective imho) or free heal (go to trait on most careers).
Free heal proc roughly works on 1 out of 3 heals. On a regular map there’re at the very least dozen of healing items - usually more, much more. Unless you’re running through the map like a headless chicken you visit all those spots - it does not take extra time to your run (weeel, maybe 10-20 seconds more if you’re really thorough). It amounts to at least 3 extra heals which you might get on a regular run. It is so much better for you and your team NB just bows its head in shame.
The only way anyone should use NB (apart from zealots ofc) - if you’re new to the game / wanna just have fun running on recruit or smth / don’t wanna think of stuff, just kill rats. All that is fine by me - but implying that NB is more than a meme QoL trinket is utter nonsense.
Sorry if i sound opinionated but those are hard scientific Sigmar-vouched facts.

haven’t you been supporting nat bond zealot?

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NB zealots should take it imho. But definitely no for the healing. On the opposite - if I could get rid of 1 thing in NB - that’d be healing:slight_smile:

Not sure if you are trolling or you are just completly garbage at this game that you need even more handicap for zealots

haha i’m honestly confused if this is a troll or not. Why would you take natural bond for the fact that it heals with temp hp? that’s such a waste. If it didn’t have regen, i could see a little reason for zealots to use it and understand the reason, but right now i have no idea and i cannot sympathize with it on any aspect.


NB on everyone all the time when your good enough, heals go to the scrubs or emergency situations so if your drinking more than two health pots a match your doing it wrong.

Edit: I also like NB on zealot but run full DR talents, 20% HP and no CR so even at max health will have 4 stacks with both grims. Can take some hits get some stacks then play safer, barkskin lil overkill but prob works even better in Cata.

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Sorry for being a bit of a tool here but for real the math on this really REALLY doesn’t check out


I just hope we never play together:)
Since my last posts I’ve seen some people running NB…
Let’s just say those people mostly were a detriment to the party.
Let me reiterate: Unless you can solo the whole map without getting hit you shouldn’t use it.
IF you can run the whole map without getting hit - why would you use it?
But w/e - if you still want to run NB - be my guest. Just do it among friends in private games.



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I only do it when playing with enemies.

OnT: what’s up with all the thread necroing?

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Is there a Career where NB is viable and a better option than Barkskin or Boon of Shallya?

People have said Ranged Careers, but the HoT is so slow and such a low amount that I don’t see it catching up to damage taken.

Also Zealot with Health Generation Talents and Boon of Shallya is near invincible.

In FoW natural bond is rather good as there is a high chance that you will have to kite on wave 8. Not to mention if you are on low hp just die at the end of a and wave you will respawn, moments later after your teammates cleaned up, with more hp hence, you can completely avoid using healing kits/pots 'till wave 7. In weaves I put NB on BW since you know where everything is going to come from so it is relatively easy to avoid MOST hits. This is for weaves below 121. Above that, it hardly matters what you put on.

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NB is for everyone! Characters with damage resistance or temp health gains are especially healthy with it… as long as your not eating damage… saw a HM in Drink Map go down three times+ by the time the event at the end happen no one had a heal to give her or themselves all wipe.

Use NB if you usually heal once or twice a map without going down and your saving those heals for the sloppy players.

Edit: also easy to find me on steam forums and block so dont have to play

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