FS Please say something or rethink your PR

Yep. It explains so much though. Like Vermintide 2 getting weird out of touch balance changes that a majority of players dislike.


Having played v1 beta and v2 beta. Had high hopes that the company had removed their diapers for darktide. Had dlc ready to roll out in a quarterly basis so the community yet again were not starved of content. Although it is obvious they went back to the gestation stage and have kind of remained in a fetal position ever since. Though the premium cosmetics is always on point… mostly.


Don’t I know it.

The premium cosmetics are outsourced lmao

That’s why they so often look like Wish.com versions of the OGs.


Oh am fully aware of that. Which is even more embarrassing.

When patches consist of fix to cosmetics :person_facepalming:t2:


I wonder. Is it political to say that Darktide’s monetization systems for cosmetics was outsourced to Tencent’s supporting company called Level Infinite :thinking:


Office politics at best. :wink:

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No, probably not, saying a company uses A to outsource jobs is not.

Debating whether they are right to do that, where the money is going, what right the staff have etc probably would be and thus you would get banned.

The name “Calle Lejdfors” credited under Level Infinite is, at the very least, Scandinavian.

A simple Google search reveals that he is from Malmö, Sweden’s third-largest city and “the capital” of Skåne.

So at least we have one Swede on the team! :partying_face:

I am not taking responsibility for whatever happened in this thread after I took a nap. Yikes! :grimacing:


Nah. Don’t be like that. We had a healthy back and fourth. No yikes there, just good ol’ discussion.


Sorry, too busy posing as incognito community members :slight_smile:

This is debatable! Not to get deeply involved in geopolitics, but many would consider anyone from Skåne to be some kind of Danish hybrid monstrosity, and not Swedish at all!

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So, getting back to OP’s point about PR and setting aside Discord and politics…

Here were my expectations about the Throne of Skulls release.

I don’t really have any expectations. If there’s supposed to be something coming out of this event thingy and Fatshark is hoping to generate excitement and hype, I’m not seeing what there is to be holding my breath over as yet.

If they do have something, I’d lay money on one of these three:

More of the Same - like the last patch, we might get a new slightly reworked variant enemy and some existing unfinished feature might get a bit of polish (maybe Melk?), but otherwise nothing of huge interest.

Crafting Gotcha - “lol we removed one lock but kept the last one, enjoy your crafting rework” or some other minor rejigger to that effect.

Cosmetic Grab - “We know how much y’all love them Premium priced extra-'spensive Regimental cosmetics, who’s ready for Vostroyans?”

What wouldn’t surprise me however:

Literally nothing of value - “How much y’all like those new Pennances? Has anyone tried the boardgame?”

I hope I’m pleasantly surprised by Fatshark and proven wrong, but as has already been rightly noted, Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

And…we ultimately ended up getting all these things almost exactly.

More of the Same - “wooh new mission…after 7 months”. Don’t get me wrong, this is the kind of thing we’d like to see more of, but if this and a variant bomber is all the new gameplay content we’re gonna see by the time Q3 of 2024 rolls around, it’s a pale showing next to competing 4 person coop shooters.

Cosmetic Grab - didn’t even get a new set of cosmetics, they’re just straight up recycled ones.

Literally nothing of value - yup, got the boardgame and a cardgame.

Arguably the only thing we didn’t get is Crafting Gotcha…because they didn’t really say anything, as has been endlessly bemoaned. Silence at this point isn’t giving the impression of wanting to have a well polished end result to show off, it’s sounding like something is being hidden to avoid drama.

When people say there’s a PR problem, this is what they’re talking about. When cynical, half-joking predictions turn out to be largely accurate, it’s hard to be excited. There’s nothing here that’s going to draw back players and groups that have moved on to other things. There’s nothing bit here screaming “get HYPED!”


What about the weapons ?

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So getting back to OP’s actual point…

We got news on the crafting rework: it was (and may still be?) intended for the June 25th update and there is a dev blog post coming soon:

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I guess I forgot about those, fair enough. New weapons are new weapons.

That said, there’s a reason they were easy to skip over, well two. First is that the existing crafting system sucks and regrinding new weapons is painful to the point where trying all the existing weapons is already difficult, and we have no idea what may or may not be replacing that.

More importantly, they largely don’t sound terribly interesting or exciting, and we didn’t even get any cool art or info on their neat features. I cannot for the life of me recall a double barrel shotgun in any 40k lore or art (like the Revolver, it sounds like something from another videogame a Dev liked and wanted in for its own sake), and a break action doesn’t sound terribly fun. Same goes for pickaxes, of all the stuff in the 40k universe on hand, pickaxes aren’t something I’d have ever thought of including and aren’t something I’m really itching to play with, nobody who hopped over to DRG or HD2 is gonna see a pickaxe or shotgun and think “Oh man I need to load up Darktide again!”. A two handed Ogryn weapon sounds neat, but again, as yet no info to get excited over.

Bolt Pistols at least are pretty 40k-iconic as those things go, so I’ll give it that, that’s about the only one I think is really worth mentioning from what we’ve been given thus far.

We were told there would be an “itemization” update on the 25th, which isn’t telling us much. We knew that was in the works and time period when it was likely to come. All we’ve gotten now is a firm date, but we still have no idea what’s involved.


Exactly this.


We haven’t. They said they were still working on the item update, and in no way suggested it was coming on the 25th along with the other stuff.


re-reading the announcement, you’re right, we didn’t even get that. :joy: