This is amazing, beyond amazing. One of THE biggest pain points in Darktide, and Fatshark isn’t even going to make the playtest public for everyone nor will there be plans to get immediate feedback on it as early as possible by releasing details in order to figure out where to take the system.
Fatshark, a developer who I have absolutely no confidence in, is going to be working on a core system, which I might add has caused a lot of heartache throughout all of its iterations; in the dark without any public input.
No trust in this, none whatsoever. Especially after seeing how out of touch this company is when they did that major balance pass for Vermintide 2 a few months ago in spite of popular opinion from players of all skill levels telling them some of the changes were terrible.
If you are able, can you clarify a bit on what Strawhat meant by this? My friends and I are a bit confused.
Does this mean that whatever the crafting update is, is intended to come out on June 25th with the Mysterious of the Machine God update (excluding a potential delay)? Or that we are getting a dev blog discussing the upcoming crafting update sometime soon, with the update itself later this year?
I suppose I could… but Stockholm is a nine-hour train ride from where I live, plus the time spent on the metro from Stockholm Central to Fatshark’s office and the train ticket, which costs around 1500 SEK (127 Euro) for a one-way trip.
You should have made the offer 12 years ago, when I lived in Nyköping, which is only 30 minutes by rail from Stockholm.
Let’s not play the game of misdirection. I don’t see any of the biggest critics on here getting invited.
Indeed, this core system is specifically being playtested by a bunch of yes-men who are in on Fatshark’s creator program, who, if I might add, have an incentive to like whatever it is Fatshark throws at them. Last youtuber that did try to criticize got kicked out of the program and denied from participating in future playtests, funny enough.
There’ll be no actual input from players (unless it’s from Fatshark’s super secret echo chamber of yes-men) until AFTER the system gets released, and even then, player feedback is probably going to be ignored, as always.
Famous yes-men like jsat and telopots, you mean? Also, nobody has been kicked from the playtesting program since it was established for Darktide so I have no idea who you mean.
Before I provide citations. I am very curious. What exactly is a ‘Community Hero’, would like to have a good idea of whom I’m talking to - i.e if the person with the title has close ties to Fatshark.
I’m a moderator for the Discord server and the subreddit and now also the forums, one of the community playtesters, and one of the authors of the Ogrynomicon guide. Aside from that, I have no ties to Fatshark.
Haha no you misunderstand, I only started moderating the forums yesterday. But I’ve been doing the same for the subreddit and the Discord server for a while and I’ve been reading along with the rest of the community’s feedback and passing it on during playtesting for nearly a year now.
Oh. Good. Here’s some of the stuff you got wrong a few people and I collected:
neglects to mention attackspeed doesn’t work on the new shovel heavies and infact recommends attackspeed for them
neglects to mention bugs with weapons like the power mauls missing hitboxes and the krourk VI cleavers ghost hits
claims that the talent that turns poxwalker toughness gain per kill from 5% to 10% is a must pick on the class that already gets 20% toughness back per heavy, kill or not, at the expense of things like more damage
claims that the talent that gives you +20% melee damage on average when swinging into enemies isn’t good and rarely worth picking because “it requires heavy attacking”
claims you shouldn’t get both toughness gen talents because the single target one is supposedly better, even though you want both of them to always regen toughness no matter what you hit
says the bleed on charge is worse than trample (trample is good but the bleed gives you insane DR for free when you most need it, and the damage is more or less on par with trample)
melee bleed talent (aka ogryns single best talent that makes the class work) is not rated extremely highly, says there’s better picks
he says “100% toughness replenishment when below 25% health” is as good as the melee bleed, and better than the DR with bleeding enemies nearby
incorrectly claims that the “uninterruptible while charging attacks” stops knockbacks from stopping your attacks, it doesn’t, getting knocked back literally swaps your weapon to a hidden “flailing hands” weapon and cancels your swing anyway
says 10% rending isn’t really that useful (on the class that mostly does damage via bleeds and has trash carapace pen options)
says 15% damage reduction (NOT TOUGHNESS, all damage, stacking multiplicatively with toughness damage reduction) when using heavy attacks is bad and too situational on the class that always is swinging heavy attacks
says bombs away only good for killing a single mauler when it rapes bosses
says the aura for 25% toughness replenishment is trash, but then says you should pick the 25% toughness replenishment that works only for yourself at 10 stacks of feel no pain on the same build instead
says the talent that gives you 1% damage per enemy staggered on your next heavy is a great pick even though he earlier calls a talent bad and situational that does the same thing but with a much less strict activation condition giving you 2.5% per enemy HIT at all, uncapped, because it’s “only heavy attacks”
says the talent that makes lucky bullet proc guaranteed crits is bad (even though that trash completely breaks ripper guns and stubbers since they both scale off crit hard and it’s literally +12% bonus crit that isn’t on the same cooldown as regular crits)
says the 8% crit on enemy kill is bad which is dumb for the same reason as mentioned in 15
he says 20% damage reduction while bracing a ranged wep is good but earlier he said the same bonus while heavy attacking is bad
he puts “protecc da lil uns” memes in his guide
he’s obsessed with putting unarmored and infested on every weapon, even ones that were figured out to not actually gain horde clear speed or shooter breakpoints from it. I do lazy perks on my weps too but he’s trying to pass it off as the meta option
he actively recommends against thunderous even though it boosts bleed hard on armor, a mechanic he generally doesn’t seem to understand
recommends thrust and confident strike on clubs, even though thrust triggers slowly on them and isn’t that great since their heavies are so fast otherwise, and confident strike is overkill
recs haymaker on all clubs except the one that has chaining horizontal heavies
recs unyielding on the mk3 shovel even though it gets jacksht out of it and it has relevant breakpoints on other perks
recs confident strike and skullcrusher on the mk5 folding shovel because “gunlugger isn’t for heavies”
claims gunlugger should pick a melee weapon to kill ranged patrols with (why the f are you playing gunlugger then?) so unarmored and flak is the best for every wep
claims the power maul is a good weapon ebcause it can stunlock!!! bro it can stunlock!!!
recommends charmed reload on the gorgonum instead of the blessings that let it one tap elites
claims flechette is trash and never worth using (even though on ripperguns it adds extreme amounts of damage when spraying from a distance and enables you to clear out segments from afar by just grazing stuff since they triple crit when braced)
claims inspiring barrage is bad and not worth using on ripperguns even though it literally regens like 500% of your toughness bar in one magazine
shills can opener still despite it no longer even staggering crushers
makes zero mention of the minimum pellet count mechanics on ripper guns, in effect not actually informing players that their mk5 rippergun will do vastly more damage when not braced at long distances
recommends against rending on the rumbler even though it has trash armor pen by default, instead recommends blaze away so you can do marginally more damage to bosses
recommends you dump stat melee damage on the grenadier gauntlet even though it absolutely destroys flak and maniac
claims brittleness is jsut “bonus damage against armor” (not how it works, the relevant difference from the nuance being that weapons benefit from brittleness vastly differently based on their base damage and base armor pen, for exponential gains on some weps and stuff like bleed)