FS Please say something or rethink your PR

The mere fact that the lesson FS took from shooting themselves in the foot was “remain silent” instead of “don’t put a loaded gun down your trousers” is telling.

Advising the community that something isn’t a priority (when it indeed isn’t) is arguably a good thing, but going further and simply saying “We’re having a hard time implementing this feature and given the problems we’re facing. We’re no longer working on this feature” would at least force people to move on. Don’t even dangle the possibility of revisiting it, EVEN IF YOU MAY, just don’t say it.


Especially since no one, absolutely no one believes FS to be in any shape or form a capable dev code wise. It’s the opposite and they’ve time and time again proved how inept they are with their codebase. People would most likely go “classic fatshark, makes sense they can’t do it. Oh well” and move on as you said.

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I have to agree fully with this. At the right time it can be great, but most of the time Iv seen it make people pre-order games before they release with high expectations, ravaing about how its the best game ever and look how amazing the gameplay is!!! (i.e. run on rails tech demo masquerading as casual gameplay)

The original Division springs right to mind.

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Either the devteam lies to the suits, or the suits tell the CMs to lie - how long was Sienna’s necromancer career ‘nearly finished’? Solo Mode has been ‘nearly done’ since the game launched but not a peep of it.

I think it’s pretty clear that Fatshark does have an honesty problem. They just would rather remain silent because in today’s day and age people will screencap what you say and ensure nobody forgets it, turning what would’ve just been off-the-cuff bs-ing into an internet meme forever.

I would sympathize, but the attitude of the community is very much the company’s own fault. They are blatantly unwilling to just…not lie in comms.


So you acknowledge the devs straight up lie to people and don’t address issues in a separate post but in my post you say I am malding for calling out all their faulty work. Interesting logic you got going on in that head lol

I think you can point out the problems a company has without ranting or coming across as unhinged. It will work better to convince people there’s a problem and get more of them on your side.

I called you malding because every few days there’s an angry thread from you about how the game is worthless and broken. So yeah - take a deep breath, calm down, and stop playing the game that makes you mad. Leave a bad Steam review or something, but you don’t need to scream at the devs to make your voice heard.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but if I remember correctly the (arguably deserved) backlash for the roadmap was that FS just scrapped it without saying anything or replacing with anything new, no?

I played VT2 at release and that’s what I remember, but I wasn’t an active participant on the forums back in the day, so I might be wrong on this.


the backlash was just butthurt. they said their plans had changed (look at classes) and they were focusing on getting them done over establishing a roadmap to move things along faster and people got upset they couldn’t hold them to it anymore.

It seems I stand corrected. Somehow I remembered the roadmap hanging in the limbo of existence for months, but probably I just wasn’t paying that much attention back then.

nah, a lot of redditors just tried to insist they needed to follow it anyway.

Interesting, my post history shows jan 29th, feb 20th, may 14th and may 22nd - those were all my posts involving this subject from my understanding. But hey, you know something I don’t apparently.

I stand corrected! It’s once a month you come around here to make a bunch of posts about how the game is still trash!

So you’re still malding, I was merely thinking that you posting twice in two weeks was a sign of more anger to come.

You just proved my point lol. You said every few days, now you say once a month. It also isn’t malding to list bugs and provide them with information involving their shortcomings. It’s obvious at this point you can’t stand to actually argue with someone and be proven wrong. It’s okay, take the loss man. You’ll be okay

Some people are useful, communicative complainers, Ragna for example is one, brosgw is another

Your post aren’t really


What has all that useful communication wrought for you or for anyone? Give me a list of the constructive complaints that have been listed and improved or fixed. Show me the positive communication being rewarded with real decisive feedback.

Edit: I sat here quietly for a very long time, enjoying the game, going along with the constant cosmetic release but no accompanying content or fixes. How long do you want people to wait? You want us to come onto the forums every month and say “Good job guys, I know you’re trying keep up the good work” then in another 5 years when its the same content and same issues - “Good job guys, I know you’re trying keep up the good work.”

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Well in mention of Brosgw, his crafting memorial and the comming crafting rework


How many people posted in that? How much pushback did it take from the community to get that pushed through? You think it was him alone that did that?

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Neither I nor Ragna are asking you to not complain and to accept the state of the game as it currently is. Complain that are in a constructive manner are what the community need and need to do


That’s the thing - you know how everyone is different? You know how some people might take the right path while others take the left? I choose to be aggressive and condescending toward people who obviously don’t respect my time, effort, or money. That’s my choice, my decision - just as its your choice to not like my attitude. Let’s face it, neither of us are going to change so we can stop this conversation here.

And you know what happen to people that take that path.

They usually end up being banned, for repeated offences, now I would say it’s not a great loss

more so when respecting time/effort/money is always somewhat of a stupid take when gaming is at the moment one of the most cost effective hobby , much less when you have an alleged 1k2 hours of game

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