For the first time, i summon the forum council

I have bad eyesight, so I need the UI to be big and obvious. :nerd_face:

I’m absolutely sure that in 99% of cases you are a good teamplayer and a very good DT Player.

It’s just that you asked for our opinion in this case & I gave you my honest one.

I also understand where you are coming from & I had similar experiences as well. :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it’s great that you reflected upon your action
& are willing to take constructive criticism to heart.
That’s something more people should do. :+1:


I appreciate your point. I don’t think you’re wrong.

Contrary to that though… and as an opposite opinion: that Zealot, however skilled, was making a team decision based on his/her own skill… and not listening to the team feedback.

One of the greatest team skills (in any game/sport) is to look around you and/or listen to your team mates. The team mates were clearly worried about a wipe and/or their ability to deal with a low health situation.

That Zealot shouldn’t just assume all players are in the same boat as they are (because for 1, not all avatars can maintain a low health / high toughness regen threshold like a zealot can).

And in addition: it’s a medkit. It’s there to be used. They’re often replaceable. And in what situations therefore would the aforementioned zealot actually deem it necessary to deploy? When they’re in trouble? That’s a bit more selfish.

Ergo, I would re-iterate my opinion. Let the zealot die so that in the longer term, they might better appreciate team-stress and deploy based on the teams’ view, rather than theirs.



other ogryn struggling, medstation decent distance away, losing 4th player = jeopardy for success.

dropped the kit to get the oggy across the distance, zealot (though mildly struggling himself here and there) as free to partake or evade at his own discretion.

didnt count afterwards, but a few health and ammo crates spawned from various sources until the end.

use it, or lose it :joy:

ps: 8:50 “butterfly effect”
oggy dead = no spare nade = stuck in corridor = wipe

cause & effect