I have bad eyesight, so I need the UI to be big and obvious.

as for the rest, i get where you’re coming from.
last couple weeks had a series of similar takes though, all playing by the same pattern and eventually the same result.
dying with full pockets of unused ressources, to be saved for “later” that never came.
its almost cassandra complex seeing 3 steps ahead unable to change the course of action, only this time as a first in 1400 hours i was going a different route.
not the kind route, but in the end the successful one.
truth be told, the amount of times people willingly let matches spiral out of control for the sake of falsely conserving tools that are meant to be spend, this one frustrating experience for the fella, pales in comparison.
psyker today carried a ammo crate around for 10 minutes of us equally providing scarce pickups for each other in orange or red, multiple chat and command callouts.
and when did the genius drop it? at the end of the silo cluster tentacle room in an open area aimed at by 4 snipers.
to be then shot instantly and wondering why no one was able to cover much.
(yes by then everyone of us three had some ammo from the room before, but 4 red beams through mixed hordes after overspending ressources was the mix for failure eventually)at this point, the best mate i can be is making sure to win the match at any cost, any sacrifice and any hard call.
cause over and over again, the majority of current people in HISTG and above will not do so.2 exception: i will not
my chair and when family has something come up important i gonna hoof it.
otherwise i can have my bladder grow to camel size proportions or funny visuals from not eating for 12 hours, i will do my bodily possible to win this match i opted in for.
and apart from his pov, mine was of a zealot perfectly fine of letting two players die for the sake of one medkit carried to another room, that for all we knew could have a fresh one waiting in a box.
poxburster was tunnel vision on my part, all my plan was getting out of there on one piece and not duke it out in the open by a sliver of my buddies health or at the further detriment of mine.
i took ideas here to heart and reflected upon.
as a test, of all the matches today, those where i “trusted” in other randoms went south, all of em.
I’m absolutely sure that in 99% of cases you are a good teamplayer and a very good DT Player.
It’s just that you asked for our opinion in this case & I gave you my honest one.
I also understand where you are coming from & I had similar experiences as well.
I think it’s great that you reflected upon your action
& are willing to take constructive criticism to heart.
That’s something more people should do.