I already touched the argument in this thread, where I summarized “beta’s results”, but I think it would deserve an own space… since, in my opinion, it’s the main FK’s problem.
The thread is divided in two points (the need of Stagger Power as dafault + Staggering Force’s problem), wich will converge in one: Staggering Force should be a passive.
- Why FK needs some Stagger Power as passive:
I talked a lot about FK: in many threads and with many people… and, despite intense discussions and clashes of opinions, there is a point shared by most: the main FK’s duty is to create space. For this reason I think he should have more Stagger Power as default, a characteristic feature, in order to underline his identity… something always present/active, regardless builds and styles adopted.
Giving a look to other careers’ passives, can help to understand the situation. I will throw some examples:
- Shade and WHC are skilled assassins, indeed they can instantly slay man-sized enemies under determinate conditions.
- Iron Breaker is a “tower”, indeed he has Gromril Armour wich makes him super tough.
- Bounty Hunter is a… bounty hunter. Indeed he has Blessed Shot to quickly neutralize the target.
- Unchained is a monster with crazy aggressive and defensive skills… but she’s very, very risky. Indeed she has 50% Dmg Reduction, up to 60% melee Power… but she must pay attention to Overcharge.
- Zealot has Power for missing HP and “Resist death”… like a good Flagellant.
I could continue all night long… these are just a couple of examples… but they are important to notice how passives should work. Reflect and improve the career’s style.
Instead, if we elaborate Footknight’s passives (at least to me), they seem very “flat”, “dull”. Nothing that you can really feel… nothing to stand out FK’s style.
He can just spread some Dmg Reduction… but we are forced to choose between a ridiculously small range or a irrelevant bonus (especially now that DR isn’t additive, 15% doesn’t make a great difference).
I would like to throw some datas:
ALL pictures are taken from THIS thread; the author is Ingrett, to him goes my thanks
Datas that show how actually there is a problem among FK’s passives… be it Stagger Power lackness or current passives’ weakness.
This one is less relevant… it’s just to underline how FK’s DR passive has some problems.
- Staggering Force’s problem + why it should not be a talent:
This point is, in turn, divided into two points:
If I adopt an AGGRESSIVE STYLE, there are good probability that I choose a talent between Crowd Clearer and Have a Thee! (it’s enough to think how many players were angry about the latter removal during early beta)… and don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty logical. Exe Sword and Bretonnian Sword, for example, can reach some breakpoints thanks to +15% power… while weapons like Halberd and Mace&Sword exploit “push” a lot.
BUT think how cool it would be to play those weapons aggressivly and, at same time, maintain the extra Stagger Power from Staggering Force.
It would be simply magnificent in order to enforce FK’s style… as if, the knights’ training, gave to him a special ability to wield and use weapons.
A way to make FK even more different from Merc (wich has, instead, more Cleave as passive).
Give up to part of his identity is really sad. -
If I adopt a PURE TANK STYLE (with a Shield), there are good probability that I choose Staggering Force… and here the problems start:
- staggering Monks is its only advantage. A talent focused vs one only enemy, it’s already sad, moreover…
- … in order to stagger Monks with a bash, the enemy MUST be under the crosshair (where stagger is higher)… this means that it’s often impossible control them with push-bash combo (since Monks come from everywhere). To efficiently stagger Monks, we have to spam push… and this quickly ends the stamina (always if you had it);
- Staggering Force can easily replaced with some Power vs Berserker/Skaven.
The personal FINAL CONCLUSION is simply what I wrote at the start: adding Staggering Force as passive would help to improve FK’s duty/style (create space)… and this, paradoxically, would transform Staggering Force’s defects (those three written above) in merits… since they would be a “proof” that this change would not make FK “broken” or too strong.
Little post scriptum: in this way we could also add a new talent, and there are many interesting options, like this one (again from Ingrett’s poll):
Build Momentum is a (I don’t understand why) removed talent that would greatly help FK to make space: more stamina you have, more you can use push-bash combo.