Few bugs I have encountered

These were found for about 2 weeks of gameplay.
Issue Summary:
Bots won’t go to the certain spots at Engines of war (tower with fireplace and rune/tome location).
Constant (100%)

Got disconnected couple times on Morr from a friend - after reconnecting spawned out of the map. That was 2/3.

Frame (that goes with Ultimate edition) resets to default one after completing a map.
Constant (100%)

Bought ultimate edition but V1 skins heroes and frame disappeared from inventory (At least Sigmar still with me).
Constant (100%)

Random enemy disappearing.
Unusual (25%)

My friend playing as Kruber were slashing through enemies with no impact but still got hit by enemies.

Please PM me with your PSN ID and I’ll see if we can address this!

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