Well, Fatshark was right.
They added a sixth bundle to the cash shop and I can’t work my mouse AND count to six (I only have five fingers available). I am unable to buy any aquilas now. There ARE too many options.
Well, Fatshark was right.
They added a sixth bundle to the cash shop and I can’t work my mouse AND count to six (I only have five fingers available). I am unable to buy any aquilas now. There ARE too many options.
The whole menu is so confusing, there’s like… 4 windows?
Am I expected to click on them and browse? I don’t have the time for that, much less the intellect required.
Since my mom pick my clothes for me, I just let her help me with the cosmetics shop as well, no problem for me even if they add ten options
Hopefully they’ll add an Aquila rotation with only three options so my brain doesn’t get overwhelmed
Better watch that peril so you don’t pop buddy
I thank god that Fatshark knew ahead of time just how dum dum we all are. All those menu options and things to click on is too confusing for the average Tide player. I’m glad they are not going to give us too many windows to click through in their cosmetic cash shop that was released before actual content…
Thank you Fatshark for saving us from too many windows and options to click on.
Btw…if you play VT2 ALL of the cosmetic options and DLCs are in the shop. ALL OF THEM, AT THE SAME TIME! It’s so crazy! No one can navigate the shop at all! So many windows and buttons to click. I try to do it but I get so scared and lost in all the windows.
Totally not being sarcastic at all…
You can’t decide which one to buy, they didn’t give me the price for the packages, we’re not the same
Oh my god the amount of choice is overwhelming… Please… Take it away! Have mercy on our meager Ogryn minds… We simply cannot handle this!
Btw, the 2400 Aquilas pack is 11.49 EUR, so you can convert that to… Whatever currency you use :).
Gamepass right?
They can barely manage to keep up with one version of the game and they want to keep up with 2 (3 when it eventually makes it to xbox)
Yes, game pass. But I still can’t play since morning I get error code 4008 all the time when I choose a character and log in to the hub
This is just the new “pay what we think is best for you” option. Hand over that credit card number.
This is not the capitalism I voted for.
That’s just another RNG addition, now they’ll withdraw a random amount of money from your bank account when you buy aquilas.