Fatshark, lets talk the state of Darktide and Comms

I originally made this post in a thread about Throne of Skulls in response to thoughts and statements about Fatshark communication, and have been encouraged by several other posters to make it its own thread, so I’ve cleaned it up a bit and updated it here.

Darktide launched in an underbaked and unfinished state. I don’t think that’s terribly debatable, there’s a reason Mr. Wahlund made the public apology he did, and reviews across every available platform reflect this to this day remain stubbornly mixed. Looking at both VT2 and other competitor 4 person coop shooter games games like Helldivers 2, Deep Rock Galactic, Left 4 Dead 2, and Pay Day 2, Darktide’s reviews are overall much more negative across multiple different review systems (Steam/Metacritic/etc). In terms of average online players over its lifespan, Darktide falls behind these competitor titles, and only barely manages to outdo VT2. This has reflected in some spicy responses to comms and lots of web-drama.

There’s been sentiments of “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” from Fatshark and CM’s (and former CM’s) about comms, but while we’ve seen apologies and mea culpas about communication, we still go months without updates or new content or get patches that drop with no news and announcements. That’s an intentionality and consistency issue.

There have been plans for various things like solo modes and other things, that simply disappeared, and instead of proactively coming out and saying “hey, we know we promised X, but stuff has changed and we also want to deliver Y and Z, but can’t do all three so will have to put X aside”, the community only finds out after having to metaphorically pull teeth and go many months without hearing anything, often with little or nothing to show in terms of other cool features that were done instead. We have a repeated demonstrated pattern of telling people things to hype them up pre-launch, dropping plans, not saying anything, getting blowback when people find out, and then basically going comms-dark on future plans. That’s not a “damned if you do damned if you don’t” thing, that’s a straight up “overpromised and underdelivered” problem.

We’ve heard Fatshark then talk multiple times about wanting to reduce randomization and repetition in itemization and crafting and making it a “core pillar of progression”… in a system the studio consciously and heavily designed to generate randomization and repetition to slow progression, as a literal slot machine. The itemization and crafting are, to be blunt (or Brunt I suppose), engineered around the worst aspects of exploitative gambling and RNG mechanics at a deep fundamental level, it’s RNG allllllllll the way down from acquisition and availability to stats and perks and blessings and individual levels of each. All this coupled with a seemingly determined intent to make gear/stats/blessings/etc be as vague and difficult to figure out as possible (e.g. how does one in-game find out what “Power” or “Rending” does, what X stacks of Bleed actually means in terms of damage output, or how +X% Weak Spot Damage actually functions?)

These were intentional design choices that required large amounts of development work to support and implement. It’s been hated since day 1, and gets called out right in Wahlund’s apology.

And yet…here we are, 18 months post-launch, still talking about probably the single most consistent issue the game has had since launch, still waiting with vague details armed with nothing more than almost word-for-word copy-pasta of what Fatshark has said to players before, about wanting to change a system clearly intentionally designed to do what Fatshark says they don’t want it to do. Needless to say, despite some high hopes about changes, instead of hype and excitement we’re mostly seeing cynicism.

From what we can see at this point, this game’s going to enter Q3 of 2024 with nothing more than a variant Bomber enemy, a single new mission, a short event that gives a pittance of crafting mats (for a crafting system everyone is eagerly looking forward to seeing go), some new Pennances, and Bolt Pistols. Oh, and I guess…physical board and card games. Current player sentiment, at least on these boards, does not seem hopeful about Itemization/Crafting (whatever) making it into the 6-25 patch.

Meanwhile a studio within walking distance is putting out that much content every couple weeks for their 4 person coop shooter made on the same base game engine. While I get that things aren’t 1:1 there between studios and games, that’s the competition Darktide faces in the market, and that competition is currently eating Darktide’s lunch in terms of sales and active players.

I get in the Comms role, things can be stressful and people aren’t seeing all sides. However, from an end-user view, this far after launch and with the benefit of hindsight, at some point we have to acknowledge: There are problems with both credibility and consistency, the impression given is that this game was dumped on the market early to cash in on preorders, and is strung along on life support to milk cosmetic sales. Hype generation for updates is minimal, at best we see small bumps of players logging in after an update or announcement followed by a decline back to VT2 numbers, never to match any of the major competing 4 person coop shooter titles out there. The studios choice of development priorities appear to be almost blind, and communicating these things to the playerbase seems to always be stumbling and error-prone.

I’m hopeful things will change, the core gameplay of Darktide is great, but gets dragged down by so many other issues. It’s going to take a long, consistent, and far more open and forward-looking communications paradigm to change that perception, and not BSing players about designing systems to be diametrically opposed to what you’re telling players you want those systems to do. Telling people what’s being worked on, giving people stuff to look forward to and be excited about, maybe a chance to get it on a test server, and being open when plans change and the reasons why will work a lot better (and leave a lot less space for cynicism and misunderstanding) than the “don’t tell anyone anything until we’re ready to shove something out the door” or “we can only tell people the vaguest of vague hints at what’s being worked on, and only with triple sign-off from unknown levels of management”.


As one of those who encouraged you, I wish I could physically mail this to Fatshark en masse, and will be adding it to the Book of Grudges.

It’s a well-written breakdown of their problems and they really need to read it.

Can someone who has access to their Discord link it there so maybe some actual dev sees this? There’s literally no CMs around rn.


On the head. You’ve hit it on the head.

Honestly, if the preorder money was illegally spent on a therapist to help leadership on whatever anxiety condition they have that’s keeping them from communicating or accomplishing literally anything, Darktide would move faster than if Fatshark reinvested those funds into the company. Dear god, this is ludicrous.


I don’t think it’s an anxiety condition.

I think it’s leadership just refusing to actually put in company effort for the game. They got the preorder money, they are just stringing it along. Once Xbox dropped there was the slightest bit of effort to pretend the game was living, then it’s just whatever the intern and potted plant cobble together for this year.

Unless, of course, itemization is doing something ridiculous that’s upended the entire paradigm of the game, like reworking every weapon to use the OG attachment system.

But I think we all know that’s not very likely.


Good post!

If they could manage a consistent flow of communication and engagement with feedback this game and the community would thrive, I’m sure.
But they can’t and they won’t… so hopefully the next update is a real banger.


That’s the problem right there, isn’t it. We don’t know, because they won’t bloody tell us.

FatShark, get your frigging act together. TALK to your community!


Also, someone with Reddit clout should crosspost this to Reddit, unless @Molonious will do it themselves. This post, this right here, is the source of so many of FS’ problems with their community.


My Hogwarts idea is still on the table.

This could work

Harry Potter Letters GIF - Harry Potter Letters Movie - Descubre ...

In any case I second everything said. Molonious is completely right and his analysis is accurate to the facts. There’s no denying any of this, Fatshark, there’s only a choice in whether or not to have a reckoning with this reality.



You’ve got work to do.

The OP needs to be printed out and placed on every single employee desk on Monday. It needs to be glued to Wahlund’s office door, his PC screen, his keyboard, and glued all over the windscreen of his car. Copies need to be sent to the Tencent board, and to GW.

Make the office printers work harder than they have ever worked!


I want to do some math rq.

Helldivers 2 released in February 2024.

In that time, they’ve released multiple ‘warbonds’ that can be either paid for or free with some grinding. Collectively, these warbonds have a giant pile of skins and cosmetics, as well as ten new weapons - twelve if you count the one dropping next week - and several grenades and utility items. They’ve added 2 mechs, multiple new mission types and enemies, and temporary events and modifiers as well.

They’ve done this while managing a full-scale war narrative adapting to the actions of the players, running bugfixing, and consistently communicating with the community. None of the content they’ve released has to cost players money. All of it is earnable.


Darktide has gotten no new weapons, 1 new enemy type who’s a reskin of an existing enemy, 1 new mission modifier, admittedly some bugfixes (on the 21st of February) that often fail to fix things completely and which never include long-running issues like the close range bug, some slight balance adjustments, an underwhelming penance-grind update that failed to retroactively grant completed penances as promised, including map completions that were ALREADY TRACKED, and a single, solitary event that granted no special rewards or incentives.

The most consistent updates the game gets are the biweekly ‘hotfixes’ that add stuff to the store rotation that can only be earned with cash. And the cosmetics it adds are outsourced.

The vast majority of Darktide’s updates consist of clipping fixes to cosmetics you already have to pay for, with blatant ‘cut these apart to sell them later’ methods for the rare free things like with the Moebian 6th loyalist set (look at vet’s headpiece cosmetics), or just having the free cosmetics be slightly adjusted reskins of previously existing ones. The biggest thing they’ve done is add stuff that’s been in the game files since launch and featured on the box art.

Helldivers 2 is generating interest and keeping people invested by not demanding they pay out the nose.

Darktide crashed and burned on release and unless it learns to copy its more successful and more generous cousin, it will never attain the heights it could have.

To illustrate, since HD2’s release date, here’s the rough approximation of how much you’d have to pay to get all the content released, minus the base game cost naturally:

HD2: 1000 SC per Warbond, about $10 per set unless you just play a bunch and accumulate SC. There will be six Warbonds in a week, five of them paid.


Fatshark: 9 cosmetics rotations, roughly 2300 Aquilas for an individual skin, call it about 3.5k for everything since there’s constant ‘lesser’ rotations for the non-setpiece bits and prices aren’t consistent. 4 skins every release, so about 12000 every release, give or take the repeats and previously acquired cosmetics. Aquilas cost $30 for 7000 at the largest bundle. You’ll need to buy about 15 Aquila bundles to pay things off. I’m gonna heavily undercut that under the assumption that the individual bits are common repeats you’d already have.


Might I remind you that while HD2 is charging for actual weapons and content, Darktide is charging you for outfits.


Not to mention the outsourced sweatshop cosmetics look about as good and well thought out and put together as you’d expect a third world software semi-slave worker to make 'em. They’re crap a good 8 times out of 10. The Helldivers 2 “premium” cosmetics are all on par with the ones shipped with the main game, quality wise.


The new jungle ones look pretty sick. Like, super duper action movie stupid, which is exactly on point.


Meanwhile, almost every free cosmetic body but two is just ‘we did the same thing and swapped some bits around’. The Garbs/Penances update from last year and this year’s Moebian set is basically the only ones that don’t just reuse the same basic setup.


Yeah the way FS is absolutely milking the original set of 3D meshes dry is verging on ridiculous at this point. Someone go count how many pairs of zealot sweatpants there are. I’m sure it’s over a dozen and probably by quite a bit.


Well they best get their butts in motion, I’m getting bored of Total War again and need something to spice up my evenings. If Fatshark can’t bring me back into Darktide this month, I’m off to find some other games to get into :unamused: I heard you can customize ships in No Man’s Sky now? Seems interesting…

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Not really. HD2 is still beating out DT in player numbers by several tens of thousands and they’re still far more communicative about their plans and future content than Fatshark has ever been post release. But nice try.


40 percent player loss in two weeks isnt worth consideration? If you say so. Might be worth consideration to another reader then, thanks for your insight :+1:

It’s a false equivalency to pretend like the trend here is anything like the one for Darktide. People are taking breaks from Helldivers because there’s a lull in content and updates, not because the game is ill conceived on a fundamental level the way Darktide is.


Might have to flag you for off-topic. Why are you randomly posting those HD2 links in a thread specifically about Fatshark and their lack of communication?

Are you baiting?


Nah he’s just salty because I compared the price tags of content to HD2.


Not at all, OP Mentions HD2 and their succes. It is worth noting that the article cites a new low of concurrent players at around 20k. The OP also talks about all the content thats been released. Its worth noting that their content drops are slowing and becoming smaller.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to clarify.

Nah he’s just salty because I compared the price tags of content to HD2

If youre referring to me, i could really care less about price tags… so no worries; no bad blood. Glad i could clear the air of any potential animosity on that front.