I’m a fan of SotMG. I like the weapons. The map is aesthetically and thematically excellent. The numerous QoL changes, while your mileage may vary, is a solid effort at improving the game.
What tweaks me are the unannounced modifications to enemy stats and the way the AI Director spawns mobs. Players should be made aware of these types of changes, which are more impactful to gameplay than any new weapon or map.
I’m not arguing that the changes should not have been made. Some folks will like the changes and others won’t. However, my main is an Ogryn, and the experience of dealing with gunners is reminiscent of the game’s early access period, when Ogryns were utterly emasculated against them.
Skeptical that these changes exist? No, I don’t have any primary sources. But I have my own experiences, plus a pile of anecdotes (as I write this, an additional thread asking about changes to trappers was just posted, but I will not include it here):
More details in the comments of the above threads, obviously.
All of these are observations on changed behavior to many different enemy types. No changes to enemies were announced. As a player, this is just a trashy way to be treated.
You can look at the script GIthub for Darktide, Gunners had their accuracy increased by about 4x I believe? And basic shooters had their attack speed for ranged weapons increased.
A ton of files/behaviors got touched in 1.4.0. Spawn stuff, enemy templates. I’d 100% love to see general notes on intent behind changes like these, but all the little changes are a lot to include in patch notes.
Definitely check out the GitHub if you want to know the changes to the multiplier that affects a scab gunner’s turning speed!
They don’t even mention enemy changes at all apart from some fixes in the patch note. Are you really excusing the lack of patch notes by handwaving it as “a lot”? Even Capcom, as bad as their patch notes can be, usually mention that a thing was changed (but usually not how).
Is there a thing to check changes from before the penance patch?
This sounds like you are excusing them for not including any enemy changes, not to mention there was no mention of any enemy behaviour changes at all even as a vague catchall. I’m more inclined to think it’s another symptom of their versioning system. Bug or missing information, it’s not a great look.
No more, really. You could have left it at that and but you specifically said it was probably too many changes for Fatshark to put in notes. It may not be your intention, but it sounds like excusing it, especially when it’s someone’s job to do it over there.
…and that’s just, like, how I feel? I’d like high-level notes about intent. I don’t personally want to read that it now takes 1.11 seconds for scab gunners to get into “high” cover instead of 1.66 seconds. (that’s a real change in 1.4.0)
It would be nice if they had at least mentioned that there were enemy behaviour changes, even if they don’t go into specific details. Unless it really was unintended.
I mainly wanted to check the older versions to see if the changes match the numbers of a previous version.
That should NEVER be used as an excuse to not document such impactful adjustments. Do we know certainly that they were intentional, and not some sort of carry over from old settings on a previous version? Can they be checked against previous releases?
I think undocumented patch notes should be the sort of thing that gets a LOT of noise, because that’s shameful of them.
While I welcome the increased difficulty WHY is this not in the patch notes?
My first few games was basically team mate how potato because people would go down/die almost instantly because they were obviously not prepared for this difficulty increase.
Now instead I had to spend the first day of the update thinking i’m going crazy because ragers attack faster and shooters shoot faster and more accurate.
Hey there, I didn’t see this thread or I would’ve replied sooner! We did miss some patch notes which will be added shortly in the missed patch notes section of the SoMG patch notes.
The intention was not to keep these notes from players, and it’s our bad for not catching them sooner.