Fatshark, could you please save Ogryn? I beg you


First of all, I’d like to apologize for using GPT for translation as I’m not fluent in English.

I’m writing this out of frustration.
I am a Korean player who has been playing Darktide for quite a long time, having logged nearly 2,800 hours so far.

For reference, I have only been playing in High Intensity Shock Troop Gauntlet modes.

Here are my characters’ true levels:

  1. Ogryn - around 1,300
  2. Veteran - around 430
  3. Psyker - around 500
  4. Zealot - around 430

I’ve been playing since December 2022, which means I’ve been enjoying the game for nearly two years.
Among all the characters, Ogryn was my main and absolute favorite—though, unfortunately, that’s no longer the case.

I still remember when the skill tree hadn’t been updated, and there were only six skills. Even then, I recall that 2–3 of Ogryn’s skills didn’t work properly.
Still, the game was fun, and since it was in its early stages, I didn’t mind and kept enjoying it.

However, since the October 2023 skill tree overhaul, Ogryn has been consistently nerfed (though Gungryn received buffs, which I believe were in the wrong direction).
At first, I tried to tolerate it, but now the nerfs have gone so far that I don’t even feel like playing Ogryn anymore.

Back then, Ogryn’s identity was about being clumsy and slow but incredibly strong, excelling in tanking, frontline maintenance, and crowd control.
Now, all three of these aspects are gone, and Ogryn has become nothing more than a slow, clumsy, high-health coward.

Before the skill tree overhaul, Ogryn was fun because you could knock down heretics and control the battlefield, but after the overhaul, heretics’ stats were improved while Ogryn’s remained the same, removing that sense of fun.

For example:

  • Crushers could be knocked down in just 2–3 hits, and other Ogryn enemies weren’t much different.
  • Even bosses could be staggered by slapping them.
    Granted, Ogryn was too strong against bosses at the time, but now it’s been made completely impossible to do so (except for Chaos Spawn and Demonhost, which are still somewhat manageable with the shovel).

These days, I feel like Ogryn might as well be deleted and replaced with an entirely new character.

Of course, Ogryn has received buffs as well, but I feel these buffs were completely out of sync with what Ogryn players actually wanted.

Below is a list of nerfs Ogryn has suffered and skills I believe are unnecessary or need adjustments:


  1. Bleed nerf (Ogryn’s bleed skill was nerfed additionally, beyond the general bleed nerf).
  2. Bleed damage reduction: 10% → 8%.
  3. Toughness recovery on hit reduced: 25% → 20%.
  4. Feel No Pain nerf.
  5. Rending nerf.
  6. Light 'em Up nerf.
  7. Ripper Gun magazine size nerf.
  8. Heretics’ stats increased indirectly nerfing Ogryn’s limited weapons:
  • Viable melee weapons are now limited to the Shield and Pickaxe, with Basic Shovel and BulloyClub 1, 3 being the only somewhat viable options.


  1. Crunch! – High risk, low reward. The damage isn’t particularly high, and cleaving isn’t significant.
  2. Coward Culling – Completely useless in practical combat.
  3. No Stopping Me! – Similarly useless in practical combat.
  4. Get Stuck In – Same as above.
  5. Unstoppable Momentum – Same as above.
  6. Mobile Emplacement – Only useful with the Twin-Linked Stubber; otherwise, useless in most scenarios.
  7. Keystone: Burst Limiter Override – Limited to the Twin-Linked Stubber, making the keystone inherently flawed.
  8. Keystone: Feel No Pain – No reason to choose this over Heavy Hitter. It wasn’t good even before the nerf, and now it feels like a trap skill.
  9. Soften Them Up – Does not apply to ranged attacks.

Ranged Weapon Issues

  • Rumbler – Poor blast radius and damage, with unpredictable projectile scatter. Even with blast radius-related skills and blessings, it’s still lackluster.
  • Grenadier Gauntlet – No practical reason to use it.
  • Stubber Weapons – All Stubber weapons (except Achlys) suffer from accuracy spread and aiming time issues, leaving Achlys as the only viable option.

The Core Issue

No matter which skill tree Ogryn uses, players are forced into heavy attacks, and the skill trees feel rigidly locked in.

On top of that, Ogryn has lost its unique identity and fun factor, leaving me questioning why I should even play this character.

Currently, Heavy Hitter is the only viable choice.
Feel No Pain is terrible, and Gungryn is limited to the Stubber, which itself is plagued by keystone limitations.

Furthermore, Ogryn cannot effectively utilize crit-based blessings:

  • Ogryn’s crit chance is extremely low, and its attack speed is very slow, making crit-related blessings practically useless.
  • These blessings should be replaced with ones more suitable for Ogryn’s playstyle.

As someone who loves Ogryn, I’m writing this out of frustration. The continuous nerfs and the loss of fun have left me disappointed and disheartened.

Dear Fatshark,
Please don’t just look at the statistics.
I sincerely request a rework for Ogryn to make the character truly enjoyable and viable again.

Thank you.


This alone is one of, if not the biggest flaw in Ogryn. Granted, you can regen toughness very easily with heavies, it just gets old how necessary they are.

Also, it’s crazy how well translated this is


오그린 친구는 상어뽀스들이 생각해서 만들어줄거라 믿는다. 상어뽀스


Thank you for reading.
I put a lot of effort into writing to ensure the translation was as good as possible, and it feels great to know it came across well. :slight_smile:


100% Agree, very well-thought-out post. I also used to main Ogryn, and enjoyed the chaos of Auric. But after this unnecessary nerfing I’ve installed until he’s fixed. Space Marine 2 was on sale and it’s installing now.


100% agree, and from what I hear Havoc only brings this even more into light on just how little they are capable of bringing to the table (getting their health gutted and making the one thing they kinda do, stagger, impossible so they just literally do nothing xD).

Ogryns went from ‘feeling pretty good, not op but fun in their niche’ to as you say, no longer having a niche. They are just big lumbering bullet magnets that get downed constantly by specials and are pretty much never an asset to your team.

This used to not be the case, they used to feel rather nice, big, tanky, good at horde clear, still weak against specials but that’s what the tinies are for.

They’ve been gutted to basically irrelevancy. I think it’s pretty telling that when I run around on Auric +, it’s always 2-3 Zealots, 1-2 Psykers, 1-2 Veterans, and ONLY ever at most, 1 desperate Ogryn doing his best.

They really need to stop hating on Ogryn…he has high player numbers (I’d assume, I can’t imagine why they’d keep gutting him this hard otherwise) because he’s unique compared to the other classes, and unique to this game. Not because he’s ‘broken’ xD.


I don’t know if it’s a bug but I was in a game with someone who complained about not being able to kill trappers with a rock. I kept saying that was impossible but then I went to the meatgrinder to throw a bunch of rocks and, sure enough, trapper limb damage was preventing a 1-hit KO and the guy I was with managed to consistently hit her arm/gun trying to hit her torso.

So… I guess that’s something. Didn’t seem like a problem with other specials.


I completely agree with this post. There should be a rework to Ogryn, obviously. That’s very clear in my eyes. There are certain Keystones & stuff that can be fixed by literally reversing some of the nerfs. Even with the nerfs, I still beat Havoc-40 with him like a chad & shockingly more damage output than others, but to be fair… I go effing hard AF. But then again, I’m not necessarily an average player… not meaning to be pompous or even gloat. It does take a decent amount of skill for sure on those higher difficulties & a lot of coordination with a decent team granted.



“Space Marine 2 is a fun and really well-made game! But as you know, there’s no game that can truly replace Darktide, right? Please don’t leave us! :(”


“Exactly. Ogryn was indeed very vulnerable to specials. However, I think their tough durability and crowd control made up for that weakness. But now, they’ve become neither one nor the other.”


There’s also the issue where, as an Ogryn, no matter how much you try to jump over a ledge, you just end up jumping in place. It’s been left unfixed for months now. :frowning:


Yes, it would be great if they reverted the nerfs and increased the stagger values to allow for the old playstyle, but… I’m not sure if that will actually happen.

Great breakdown of problems. This is very good feedback and I hope fatshark sees it.

I made a related post talking about the messy situation of the ogryn talent tree and suggested ways to fix it that I’ve been updating.

Ogryn needs love!


I agree to your (and all other assessments).
All but one:
I like the Grenadier Gauntlet and I’m doing very well with it. Prior to Heavy Stubbers it was my Ogryn-Revolver-Replacement, aaaaaaaaand it’s Bullgryn Cosplay :slight_smile:

There are some viable non-heavy-builds, but you will allways give up one blessing-slot and because of this you will lower your damage … but they are there, those builds … but I agree, the are not on the same level as heavy-builds…

And as we are at buffing Ogryn:
PLEASEEE do sth. about Power Maul, that weapon is just garbage atm (or I don’t get it … but … well atm Skill Tree says heavies :smiley: )

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Limb damage needs to be removed on all hits that could otherwise cleave, and other cases like rock where it doesn’t get cleave. I also think enemies should have different hitmass for their heads to be cleaved easier, cuz it makes sense.


I have to say IF Korean hardcore gamers are concerned about nerfs to Ogryn, then it might be time to stop Fatshark :joy:


its the same issue with the veteran, everyone think is super strong because VoC, (and it is) but they don’t realize how lackluster the rest of the builds are


I pretty much agree to almost evrything.

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I love the bull butcher on Ogryn, one of my favourite weapons. That said, I stopped using it because none of his talent trees support light attacking. Its all heavy attacking or shooting. I would be an idiot not to use something like shield which is supported properly.